Altar of the Goddess


Altar of the Goddess

Last Updated on December 18, 2017 by Abigail Adams

We sing to Thee Great Goddess Our hearts call Your names
May we always tend Your Altars and light Your sacred flames.

An Altar is a place of centering, a beginning and an ending of honoring the Goddess in Circle and Ritual. What is done at the Altar sets the mind into motion, to a-l-t-E-r the consciousness, connect with the Goddess and to manifest one’s desired will/magick.

There are as many thoughts on the “proper setting” of an Altar as there are traditions. These are their Altars, seeking their desires an honoring Spirit as they see it. Your Altar is a personal reflection of the worship of the Goddess through your eyes, follow what is “right and works” for you… There are influences to consider; the Wheel of the year, the Goddess to be honored, the work to be done and the desires of all sharing your Circle. Trust yourself, your instincts and the Goddess will share with you all the knowledge you need.

A working Altar serves the need of the Circle’s intent. Cover the Altar with colored cloths to represent your desires. Exp: red for bloodlines, black for banishing, gold for prosperity, etc. A picture, statue or item representing the Goddess you are working with and a candle to be lit in Her honor. Chalice of wine (or juice) and plate of bread (or cake) for grounding. Representation of the Elements: blessed and cleansed salt, water, charcoal and incense. Any tools you will need for Circle/Ritual, extra candles, herbs of the season and any personal items to be empowered by the energy of the Altar. Once again these are only guidelines, make your Altar uniquely yours.

A personal Altar, left up to honor the Goddess will be a reflection of one’s path through the turning of the year or years. Multiple Goddesses and all things sacred can create a sanctuary for connecting, recharging and staying focused on your goals and desires. Size is not a factor, it may be the rose on your desk in the vase tied with ribbons of intent. It may be the top of your dresser or a shelf in your kitchen. Where ever it is, make it authentically yours, a mirror of your path and all you seek.

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