Author - Abigail Adams

Yule Ritual

Maiden will place basket of small journals on altar for all sisters. Let the Circle be adorned with winter's bounty.

Coven Members needed for:

Cut the Circle Water and Earth Fire and Air Bless the Circle Invoke Goddess High Priestess Hand Maiden Mother Crone Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower ...

Labyrinths and Their Uses

When I once tried to describe Labyrinths to someone they said "Ohh labyrinths like a Mandala, right?" Well not exactly. A Buddhist Mandala is usually made out of sand and could be loosely described as artwork. It is made on a flat surface often illustrating a palace with four gates representing the...

Magic Wands

“It is not the wizard that chooses the wand, Harry, it is the wand that chooses the wizard.” This is a line from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Though true wands of today do not contain the tail of a Phoenix or the heartstrings of a Dragon, they are...

Walk in Balance – Chant

Author unknown We must learn to walk in balance sacred steps to take Weaving peace and understanding through all that we create The Tapestry of love and light finest threads of gold sacred flame ever burning bright through all that we behold When we learn to walk in balance the healing will take place the healing of the earth our mother the...