Author - Coven of the Goddess

How To Enhance Your Spell Work

Whether you have cast a spell yourself or had one cast on your behalf there is at least one thing you must remember; the Wiccan faith requires that you follow basic principles and failing to uphold these principles means that, in reality, you have little or no faith in this particular form of worship.


Wicca though does not require that you have faith in a particular spiritual deity, although, if you already belong to a coven then you will have at...

How Long Does it Take for a Spell to Work

This is probably one of the most often asked questions and yet there can be no definitive reply to cover all spells which are cast.

The Moon

Some spells are dependent on the lunar cycle, or the moon as it waxes and wanes and often have to be cast on a particular day. This, of course, means that even initial casting might be delayed but it is quite usual for this to occur.

Variations in Situations

Other spells may take longer to work depending...

The Importance of Spell Secrecy

No doubt that the complete world of magic and spell casting is often surrounded by secrecy and there are many and varied reasons for this being so. Historically, we know that witches were associated with evil and could be persecuted, so it would make sense to keep who they were, and what they did, secret.

The Secret Ingredients

We also know that there was, as there still is today, a great amount of secrecy surrounding the ingredients of any potions made which...

What to Do While You are Waiting for Results

Depending on what type of spell you have had cast on your behalf, there are several things you can do while waiting for the spell to manifest. However there are also things you can do which affect all spells in a positive manner.


Consider practicing meditation, particularly the form known as mindfulness, on a regular basis. This will not only reduce your anxiety about the spell, and possibly any other problems in your life, but it will also help to increase...

Visualizing Where Your Spell’s Energy Will Go

Although there is often much talk about remaining positive when it comes to either casting a spell yourself or having one cast on your behalf, thinking positive sometimes isn’t as easy as it sounds. Often a better course of action to take is not only to visualize where you want your spell’s energy to go but also to focus on the action you want it to perform and, in particular, the potential outcome.

Meditation and Science

To do this effectively meditation is...

The Threefold Law

The Threefold Law in Wicca and spell-casting in general refers not only to the strength of spells but also harks back to the principle of monitoring one’s own behavior. It is in effect a ‘reap what you sow’ effect and can be influenced by both good and negative acts and intentions. Most people who are interested in magic quite possibly think of the Threefold Law as being related to sending out energies three times the strength they would normally be, but...

Can You Tell if Someone Cast a Love Spell on You?

When we think about magic and casting spells often that is all we think about, the fact that we have the ability to cast a spell toward someone else. Clearly though, if someone is casting spells then there must also be a recipient and sometimes it could be you. Although people often want to know if any kind of spell has been cast toward them, one that they want to know about in particular is the Love Spell. So, can you...

Five Spells You Can Use to Improve your Financial Situation

Wealth means different things to different people. For some we may consider ourselves wealthy if we have good health. Others might consider that having a solid, loving relationship makes us rich, but for others money is the more direct interpretation.

Relative Improvements

But there are many ways in which we might want to improve our financial situation. And, once again, everything is relative. To a business man who is desperate to keep his company afloat and not only secure his future but...

The Difference between Karmic, Soulmate and Twin-Flame Relationships

Most people traverse the course of their life, not alone, but with someone. Indeed it is often one of the greatest fears of the human animal - that of being alone. But, no doubt, most of us settle for second best simply because of our innate fear of being alone. And also, of course, we often settle simply because society requires us to.


Yet frequently we hear of people searching for their soulmate. For that one individual who is our destiny...

The Benefits of Spiritual Cleansing

Throughout the Wiccan teachings what we come to learn is that positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. We are also taught that one of the major principles of Wicca is that we are responsible for our own behavior and, as a consequence, ultimately responsible for our own quality of life and destiny. These teachings are reiterated over and over again. They arise when we talk of Pagan worship. They appear again when we discuss the principle of Karma. Even the...

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