Goddess Aphrodite’s Prosperity Ritual
Roses, one for each Covener to have one, shall be placed on the altar.
Roses, one for each Covener to have one, shall be placed on the altar.
Aphrodite, the beautiful goddess of love, was the only goddess who had neither a father nor a mother. Nobody knew from where she had come. The West Wind had first seen her in the pearly light of dawn as she rose out of the sea on a cushion of foam. She floated lightly over the gentle waves and was so lovely to behold that the wind almost lost his breath. With soft puffs, he blew her to the flowering island...
Imbolc is third of the Sabbats celebrated in the Wheel of the Year. Celebrated on the 1st or 2nd of February, this day marks astrologically the day directly between Yule, the Winter Solstice, and Ostara, the Spring Equinox. February is a harsh and bitter month. In old Scotland, the month fell in the middle of the period known the Wolf-month; it was also known as the Dead-month. This is the time of year when the season is still cold and...
Dragonfest is a wonderful gathering of the Pagan faith held in Colorado every August. It is a festival of like minds made possible by the caring spirits who give of themselves in time and knowledge to share the old religion through workshops and rituals in a weeklong celebration. It is with great pride and honor the Coven of the Goddess presented the Women's Ritual for 2006 and 2007 Dragonfest. The sisters who presented Ritual as well as the 200 plus...
Maiden will place basket of small journals on altar for all sisters. Let the Circle be adorned with winter's bounty.
Yes, this class is back to basics. Yes this is the beginning, a no brainer, but this is exactly what we forget. The simple of Goddess gets lost in the complexity of Goddess. Control suppresses freedom and our struggles are granted power over our senses and trust. The wheel has turned my sisters and we find ourselves in the darkest part of winter. It is time to turn inward and return to the basics, the beginning where Goddess silently awaits...
When I once tried to describe Labyrinths to someone they said "Ohh labyrinths like a Mandala, right?" Well not exactly. A Buddhist Mandala is usually made out of sand and could be loosely described as artwork. It is made on a flat surface often illustrating a palace with four gates representing the four corners of the earth. There are other forms of Mandalas too but this is better saved for a different class. I do not know much about Mandalas myself except that...
“It is not the wizard that chooses the wand, Harry, it is the wand that chooses the wizard.” This is a line from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Though true wands of today do not contain the tail of a Phoenix or the heartstrings of a Dragon, they are just as important to a working witch as they are to the characters of the movie. With movies like the Harry Potter series, The Craft, Lord of the Rings and...
Author unknown We must learn to walk in balance sacred steps to take Weaving peace and understanding through all that we create The Tapestry of love and light finest threads of gold sacred flame ever burning bright through all that we behold When we learn to walk in balance the healing will take place the healing of the earth our mother the healing of the human race
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