Cleansing and Attuning Tools
Psychic grunge is attracted to psychic activity, it is heavy and will stick to anything you hold precious. This spell is to cleanse your tools and attune them to your spirit.
Psychic grunge is attracted to psychic activity, it is heavy and will stick to anything you hold precious. This spell is to cleanse your tools and attune them to your spirit.
Magick has been defined as ‘ The Art of Causing Change in Accordance with Will”. We cannot reach out directly upon the material level and touch the things of tomorrow, for, upon this level, they are yet. We can, however, enter today, a subjective tomorrow in which we may touch...
Most religions today are built on the concept of faith which revolves in some way around the teachings of one individual or deity. It is something we have become accustomed to in mainstream society and so anything other than this is quite often difficult for us to understand. Yet in Wiccan...
Compared to our ancient ancestors we are, simply because of the way society has developed, far less experienced in the ways of magic than they were. Although other things might often make us seem more advanced, what we have lost along the way is the appreciation and possibly gratitude that...
Unfortunately in contemporary times we seemed to have developed two perspectives about magic: White Magic is good and Black Magic is bad. This often arises due to some confusion about what Black Magic really is because the distinctions have been broken down in to the most basic, and easily understandable,...
The pagan Wheel of the Year is marked by eight Sabbats, spaced approximately every six weeks throughout the year. Four of these Sabbats represent the position of the solar calendar (either solstice or equinox), and four fall at what are called the “cross quarters.” These ancient dates mark the middle...
Divination is the ability to assess a person’s state of being and the state of energies that are involved in a person’s life in order to determine a likely turn of events. Divination is not fortune-telling. No one is capable of seeing the future for certain because there is no...
Listen to the Words of the Great Mother, Who was of old called among men Artemis, Astarte, Diana, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride, and by many other Names. Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month and better it be when the moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place, and...
There are two basic ways a witch can use herbs in her healing practices: For magickal purposes For medicinal purposes These methods may overlap, as herbs may be simultaneously used for medicinal and magical purposes. The ways in which herbs are prepared and used may also overlap, as herbal oils, incense,...
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