Goddess Eos Ritual

This ritual honors the Goddess Eos. Maiden will place Construction Paper Crayons, Colored pencils, markers Glitter or other art supplies around altar.

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Crone Hand Maiden Mother Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower

Quarter Calls

East Hail to the watchtower of the East, essence of Air....

The Charge of the Crone

Hear the words of the Grandmother of Time: She who has been known as Hecate, Erishkagel, Cerridwen, Kali-Ma, Anna, Perenna, Spider Woman, and many other names - some feared, and some loved, but none ever ignored. She it is who brings wisdom and the awareness of eternity. She has been the Maiden, and remembers that joy. She has been the...

Sign and House Polarities

There are six sign polarities in astrology –these are natural oppositions. Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, and Virgo-Pisces. House polarities are 1st-7th, 2nd-8th, 3rd-9th, 4th-10th, 5th-11th, and 6th-12th. Although there are differences between houses and signs, we will study their relationships in house rulerships.

Aries-Libra and 1st-7th House Polarity

This is a relationship axis,...