Circle Casting – How Witches cast the Circle

Circle Casting - How Witches cast the Circle. While casting the circle and creating scared space the words should be spoken from the heart as a connection with the elements are envisioned.

Circle Casting – How Witches cast the Circle

Last Updated on December 25, 2017 by Abigail Adams

There are ancient ways to cast a circle, handed down from Witch to Witch to teach the ways of the old. There will be as many opinions as there are ways. Trust your heart and trust the Goddess. In creating sacred space the words should be spoken from the heart as a connection with the elements are envisioned. The words are empowered through your belief and your truth.

The Goddess is eternal, she will show you the way. Blessed Be

This being said we now address our Coven casting Circle as a group. The post one takes in casting becomes the act/intent of the Coven as a whole. It is the circle you speak/act for and it is the Covens intent that pushes strongly at your back as you create our sacred space. Speak with strength that fuels you by being open to this energy.

If it is doubt in your heart you are not trusting the energy of the Circle.

Be prepared and honor our Circle. Blessed Be

Cleanse yourself

Prepare and cleanse yourself by Ritual bath of herbs, oils or stones. When time does not allow this, smudging, anointing with oils, dry bath with herbs or meditation to release negativity works fine. Click here for our Spiritual Cleansing Spells

Prepare the Circle

Prepare the Circle space by sweeping negative energy out widdershins (counter clockwise) with broom. State your intent with every sweep. Sage deosil (clockwise) with sage stick or sweet grass stating your intent to draw positive energy in. Once the Circle space is prepared only those who have themselves been cleansed for Circle should enter.

Prepare the Altar

Cleanse the representation of the Elements on Altar – trace pentagram above them with wand or hand and state with intent.

Bright Blessings, O creature of – Air (incense), Fire (charcoal), Water (holy water) and Earth (salt) – I cast out from thee all impurities and negative influences, so mode it be.

Casting the Circle

Beginning at the North, raise and dedicate our Coven’s ritual sword to our Mother Earth that She grants us passing to the realm between Earth and Goddess. Walking deosil visualize blue fire as you draw the circle with the sword – this is cutting the boundaries of our sacred space. Visualize the Circle of blue flame growing large and strong as the Coven chants. Complete the circle at the point of the beginning with all chanting the sacred words of our Coven through finish.

I cut the Circle thrice around to keep love in and evil out.

Add salt to water, dedicate it to our Mother Earth at the North then walk the circle again feeding the blue flame cut by the sword. Envision the wall of fire growing towards the heavens as all chant:

Water and Earth where thou are cast, no adverse spell or purpose last.

Hear my word, accord with me and as I will so mode it be.

Take burning incense, dedicate it to our Mother Earth at the North then walk the circle again feeding once again the blue flame Circle. Envision the wall of fire growing higher and higher as all chant:

Creature of fire this charge I lay, No phantom in thy presence stay.

Hear my word accord with me and as I will so mote it be.

Calling the Watchtowers

Beginning at the North, raise and dedicate our Coven’s athame to our Mother Earth that She grants us the presence of Her Elements. With athame trace invoking pentagram in the air at the North quarter ( this is piercing the veil to a place that is not a place and a time that is not a time or as some refer to as creating a portal) and punch the athame through the center when complete. Holding the athame at the same height as the piercing cut into the blue flame wall from North quarter to the East quarter where once again you will trace an invoking pentagram and pierce the center by punching the center with athame. Bring athame to the Heart Chakra and pause for the Watchtower to be called by the post. Once the Watchtower has been invoked and the candle lit bring the athame from the Heart Chakra to the position of the piercing of the East portal and continue the cut through the blue flame to the South quarter. Trace pentagram, pierce/punch center, bring athame to the Heart Chakra and wait for post to invoke and light the South candle. Repeat through West and North. At the point of completion in the North stand with athame at the Heart Chakra till post has invoked and lit candle then replace athame on the altar. These words are only an example- personal words are used here by which ever sister is calling the Watchtower.


(Trace invoking pentagram in the air towards the East and call the watchtower down)

O Ancient One of the East Window of the rising sun. I call upon your breath of creation to bind in perfect trust the magick we create tonight. Oh Watch Tower of the East I _____ summon you to guard our circle and witness our Rite

(light candle and continue the cut to the South quarter)


(Trace invoking pentagram in the air towards the South and call the watchtower down)

O Ancient One of the South Window of the mid-day sun. I call upon your endless flames Give life to our pleasures and magick to our desires. Oh Watch Tower of the South I _____ summon you To guard our circle and witness our Rite.

(light candle and continue the cut to the West quarter)


(Trace invoking pentagram in the air towards the West and call the watchtower down

O Ancient One of the West Window of the setting sun. I call to your waters of life to give wisdom to our magick and serenity to our path. Oh Watch Tower of the West I ____ summon you to guard our circle and witness our Rite.

(light candle and continue the cut to the North quarter)


(Trace invoking pentagram of air towards the North and call the watchtower down)

O Ancient One of the North Window of the darken sun. I call to you my mother earth In tune our magic with nature and set our spirits free. Oh Watch Tower of the north I ____ summon you to guard our circle and witness our Rite.

(light candle)

Bless the Circle

O Scared Circle let thou be a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield against all evil and wickedness; a rampart of protection that shall preserve and contain the power that we shall raise within thee. O Scared Circle I do bless thee and consecrate thee in the name of the Goddess (aspect you are working with)… So mote it be.

Invoke the Goddess

These words are only an example – personal words are used here by which ever sister is invoking the Goddess.

Oh gracious Goddess of a thousand names, Thou who are the blood of all women and they of thee. O giver of life and keeper of death fill us with your wisdom of time everlasting. Descend we pray, Thou who are both the water and the wine. In the glory of your Moon we gather as sisters to celebrate your magick and light. Goddess (aspect you are working with) you have been with us from the beginning and tonight we honor thy presence within. In the name of Goddess (aspect you are working with) this circle is cast. Blessed Be…

You are in the circle and the light of the Goddess now, enjoy the Ritual you choose and attend your work.

Bread and Wine Grounding

when the work of Circle has been completed bless and share food to ground.

Blessed Be this bread and wine , the body and the blood of the Goddess. May we never hunger, may we never thirst. Blessed Be.

Closing the Circle The Circle

When you are done say goodbye to the Goddess, thank her for her blessings and close the quarters beginning at the east. Personal words are used for dismissing the Watchtowers, these are only examples.

Blessed Be O Gracious Goddess. May this Circle empower and protect us till we share Circle again. May our hearts stay open to your guiding light. Blessed Be


O Ancient One of the East, As you return to your airy throne your magick stays with us in the sounds of the bells and wings of the birds. I ____ give thanks and bid thee hail and farewell

(extinguish candle)


O Ancient One of the South, As you return to your fiery throne your magick stays with us in the warmth of the day and flames of all fires. I ____ give thanks and bid thee hail and farewell.

(extinguish candle)


O Ancient One of the West, As you return to your watery throne, your magick stays with us in the waves of the ocean and the pleasures of the rains. I ____ give thanks and bid thee hail and farewell.

(extinguish candle)


O Ancient One of the North, As you return to your earthly throne your magick stays with us in the growth of the forest and the breath of the beast. I ____ give thanks and bid thee hail and farewell.

(extinguish candle)

The circle is open but un-broken, May the love of the Goddess be ever in your heart. Merry Meet and Merry Part and Merry Meet again. Blessed Be.

Comments (2)

  • Kathleen Reply

    An excellent explanation of a sacred ritual. As a new witch, but pagan for many years this has given me the confidence to do my own circle, safely and with utmost respect of the divine.

    November 25, 2018 at 3:57 am
  • Wanda Reply

    Your explanation is direct and cogent. You should always do what works for you. There are so many different techniques, the only thing that really matters is, that by casting a circle you create a division between the mundane and the spiritual world. Once you invoke the quarters you leave the mundane world and become one with the spiritual world.

    December 23, 2017 at 5:15 am

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