Cleansing and Attuning Tools

Cleansing and Attuning Witchcraft Tools – Psychic grunge is attracted to psychic activity, it is heavy and will stick to anything you hold precious. This spell is to cleanse your tools and attune them to your spirit.

Cleansing and Attuning Tools

Last Updated on December 18, 2017 by Abigail Adams

Psychic grunge is attracted to psychic activity, it is heavy and will stick to anything you hold precious. This spell is to cleanse your tools and attune them to your spirit.

Items needed for cleansing and attuning your tools:

  • All tools including book of shadows (all magick items) in a basket
  • small table set up to left of altar
  • red wine
  • consecrated water and salt
  • vial of oil
  • red candle
  • dove’s blood
  • sage stick
  • incense

Gather all items in a full moon circle. Sage table and draw pentacle with dove’s blood. Place oil at spirit point, incense at east, candle at south, water at west, salt at north . Sage table and self (robe, cord, jewelry), chant:

Gracious goddess, assembled spirits and Ancient Ones who bring forth the elements. Bless and give honor to these tools that begin the blessing of the rest. Let them be purified and empowered by the Goddess.

Draw one’s blood and add to vial of oil, anoint third eye chakra, chant:

I am ___ , witch by birth. By the blood of my ancestors, all past lives and all lives to come, I trust in the Goddess. So mote it be.

Begin with chalice and consecrate beginning at spirit, chant:

By the power of the Goddess be thou purified
By the power of air be thou purified
By the power of fire be thou purified
By the power of water be thou purified
By the power of earth be thou purified
Fill with red wine and leave on table, chant
We are all of one blood and thy bounty be endless

One at a time attune rest of tools leaving on table and chanting with each element.

Seat your self in front of circle altar, close eyes, clear and balance all charkas. Keep eyes closed. Center yourself and visualize your witch self standing directly in front of where you are. See the glow of the Goddess shinning from within you. Next project your consciousness into your body. Become one with your vision. With eyes still closed, sense the circle around you. Sense the full moon filling the circle with light. Sense yourself standing and walking the circle deosil, beginning at the east. Present yourself to each watchtower and feel it’s elements as you make your way to your tools. Pick up your tools one at a time and breathe your witch name into them, attune them to you. In your mind’s eye see each and every one of them. When you have finished continue your walk to North. Feel the earth beneath your feet and welcome your path in this life. Trust in yourself and the power that is yours. When you are ready return to your physical self, give thanks and ground. Blessed Be.

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