Do spells really work? What is the success rate?
Our coven has a very high success rate. Keep in mind that when you order from us, 13 witches will be casting your spells. This makes our spells extraordinarily potent and powerful.What spells can do: Spells will direct all the positive forces of the universe towards your wishes, but magick is not a miracle fix. You will still need to do your part, take care of yourself, make wise decisions, and work towards your wishes and goals. For example, if you have us cast a Job Spell, you will need to apply for a job and put effort into the application and interview process.
What spells cannot do: Spells are not working to diagnose, treat, or heal any medical issues, financial issues, legal issues, dangerous or life-threatening situations you may find yourself in. Always seek the help of qualified professionals to those issues.
How long does it take for my spell to work?
Some of our clients report instant positive results; others report results within a couple of days, weeks, or months. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict when you will receive your results, as every case is different, and magick works differently for different people. It all depends on your exact situation, the strength level you have ordered, the energies involved in your case, and your spiritual path, as well as the people who are involved. If you want to help the spell and speed up the process, please make sure that you do not obsess over the spell and the results, keep a positive outlook and allow the spell to go through its full motion. In addition, keep in mind that you are fully covered by our generous Satisfaction Guarantee. If you have not received results after 6 months, we will re-cast your spell free of charge - or we refund your money if you do not see results within 12 months.Do you offer consultations, readings, or emotional support?
No, we don't.Please know that we are very busy casting spells and our time on the computer is minimal. This is how we keep our prices low. We focus on what matters – the spell work!
All order-related questions are answered in our extensive Frequently Asked Questions Section. Please make sure you read them. You will learn how to select the right spell, how to order, what is needed from you, how the entire process works, and what you can do if you have not yet received all desired results. Please kindly understand that we cannot answer emails with questions that are already answered in our FAQ section.
For general questions about Magick, Wicca, and Spells, please visit our Blog. Since 2002 we have published over 100 articles that address many aspects of magick in great detail.
If you want to suggest a new Question for our FAQ Section, a new Spell, or a Topic for a Blog-Article, please click here.
Will a spell conflict with any other spells?
No, not at all! This only happens if you specifically request to counter another spell. Other than that, none of our spells conflict with other spells and only do what you have requested. Even if you had a spell cast at another place, our spells will not alter these spells and will not cause conflict or adverse effects.Why should I use your spells?
Since 2002 The Coven of the Goddess has been helping clients from all walks of life. If you are looking to permanently solve your problems, we are the right spell casting service for you.Do you guarantee results?
Unfortunately, there are no guarantees within the spiritual realm due to the fact that magic is more an art than science. Even the most gifted and most powerful spell casters and witches will not be successful every time. That's why The Coven of the Goddess offers a satisfaction guarantee. We want our clients to be happy with our work. If you have not received results from your spell after 6 months, we will re-cast your spell free of charge, or we will refund your money if you have not seen results within 12 months. Please click here for details.How should I behave while I am waiting for a love spell to work?
Just be yourself. There are no guidelines on how to behave. However, please avoid fights and arguments. If you have the choice between harmony or an argument, always choose harmony. Also, don't annoy the other person. Let them be. Once the spell has reached them, they will contact you.In addition, please do not obsess over the spell. Let it go. Allow it to work for you. Think positive. Spells work best and faster when you do not think about them all the time. Keep yourself busy with positive things, and do things to improve yourself and to make yourself happy.
The universe and the forces of nature will find ways to overcome any obstacles, such as lost phone numbers, living in another continent, no contact, a long time that has passed, cultures problems, negative feelings, bad memories, not knowing the person, and many other obstacles.