Goddess Circe Ritual of Self
Last Updated on December 18, 2017 by Abigail Adams
Articles of all shall be placed upon altar to receive blessings.
Coven Members needed for:
- Cut the Circle
- Water and Earth
- Fire and Air
- Bless the Circle
- Invoke Goddess
- High Priestess
- Hand Maiden
- Mother
- Crone
- Summoner
- East Watchtower
- South Watchtower
- West Watchtower
- North Watchtower
- Cake and Wine
sage all that enter Circle
Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?
Coveners answer
bless and dedicate all with Goddess Circe’s Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra
Sister to Sister in perfect love and perfect trust we share this circle
all will cast circle
Goddess Circe’s Story
High Priestess
Welcome Sisters, as we find ourselves sharing our 1st full Moon since Winter Solstice let us reflect our life with that of Mothers. As the sun begins it’s journey beckoning the seeds within Mother’s womb in reflection it calls forth our dreams, hopes and aspirations of the year to come.
It is a time of self as we dream of how we would choose life if given opportunity. My sisters, we do have choice and it is now under Goddess Circe’s January Moon we set in motion choice of self. It is a time to put self first that foundation is strong in support of the harvest of self we wish to manifest in this year’s wheel.
If we wish to live in magick it is we who must call magick forth. If we wish to live empowered it is we who must call empowerment forth. If we wish to live in love it is we who must call love forth. If we wish to live in abundance it is we who must call abundance forth.
In past energy class the statement was made – one must participate or get up from the couch in order to begin. Tonight we begin my sisters. Tonight we call forth indulgence of self that we may create our own island of enchantment that is our life.
I am Goddess Circe, Maiden fair, lover of animals and keeper of the Mysteries. Welcome sisters to my sanctuary and blessings that you are women for many a man cannot lay eyes upon my paradise and remain sane.
I am sure you have heard the tales of my bewitchment from all corners of the earth. All in days work I tell you. Glamouring is such a delightful charm – I use it daily in my dress and men as swine is just a reverse glamour that I use to disempower any who dare threaten my chosen joy. Oh and the tales of turning women into serpents, we all know this is just sharing Goddess. Some really need a push in Her direction.But on to you sister, be filled with creativity and use it daily for you too are capable of paradise. I share with you now a mantra that is powerful, as it is from the depths of my island.
Repeat after me as we share its power
I am new beginning granted my father and the mysteries of my Mother, wherever I go I am seen as the Goddess I am. Man nor woman shall not tower over me in arrogance but desire my affection and wisdom as the pig desires to wallow in the mud. And my most sacred work, to all who seek I share Goddess. I am the fair Maiden Circe and I live as I chose and it suits me well.
I am Goddess Circe, Mother nurturing, keeper of the gardens and keeper of the passion of being fulfilled in our path. I listen and see all but this is not always my concern; my concern is the paradise I choose to surround my self in. I have no time for any who would take me away from paradise for this is my life to live and my passions to fancy. I have had my share of lovers, they have come and gone and come again in my many lives. Still, the abundance of the harvest of my self I celebrate and nurture in love of self and love of paradise.
But on to you sister, be filled with indulgence and seek it daily for you too are capable of paradise. I share with you now a mantra that is powerful, as it is from the depths of my island.
Repeat after me as we share its power
I am the passion granted my father and the womb of my Mother, wherever I go I am seen as the Goddess I am. Man nor woman shall not tower over me in arrogance but desire my affection and wisdom as the pig desires to wallow in the mud. And my most sacred work, to all who seek I share Goddess. I am nurturing Mother Circe and I live as I chose and it suits me well.
High Priestess
Look now into your mirror. Appreciate the woman you see there. Allow yourself to admire all those things about yourself you find beautiful. When you are ready, shout aloud those things so that your sisters can appreciate them about you, too.
I am Goddess Circe, Crone wise, keeper of witchcraft and keeper of the will of magick. I have lived many lessons along the journey and I choose wisely what supports my paradise and destroy what threatens it. I have no time to waste for the ever-turning Spiral calls and I have much life to live in this journey. In magick the elements grant me aide. The east brings forth a new dawn, the south beckons the journey, the west washes away the soiled and the north bears all that sustains me. Potions and incantations fill my world as I create and recreate my paradise. Magick is mine and molds my path as I desire. I am Goddess and I tell you this is true.
But on to you sister, be filled with the mysteries and seek it daily for you too are capable of paradise. I share with you now a mantra that is powerful, as it is from the depths of my island.
Repeat after me as we share its power
I am the life promise of life granted my father and the blood of my Mother, wherever I go I am seen as the Goddess I am. Man nor woman shall not tower over me in arrogance but desire my affection and wisdom as the pig desires to wallow in the mud. And my most sacred work, to all who seek I share Goddess. I am the wise Crone Circe and I live as I chose and it suits me well.
High Priestess
It is easy to see Goddess when we slow down enough to see the sun rise or Her Silver Moon on a clear night but our work at hand is to see Goddess in self and not lose sight of Her in our daily life. The mysteries are not exclusive; they live within each of us, paradise just a wave of our wand away. It is in intent that we manifest paradise and in intent we protect paradise. It is intent that all that does not support paradise is not part of our life.
Does this mean our life will always be perfect, YES, if we can but believe it possible. Does this mean it will be easy, YES, if we are capable of calling forth the elements to aid our magick.
Call forth East in clarity of desired new beginnings, the South in courage of facing change necessary in manifestation, the West in wisdom of acceptance of what is lost and what is gained and the North in abundance of opportunity in this life’s realm. Paradise is ours if we but indulge in the offerings of harvest of self. As Goddess Circe chooses Her paradise so we must choose at least our life be lived clinging to someone else’s light.
I share with you now great praise of Goddess as seen in the eyes of our sisters, some we share Circle with tonight and some who are gone but always a part of us.Through their words of praise Goddess lives within each of us.
Cut the Circle
Who I am
Breath of life into my soul
Awakening all that lies deep within
Who am I to deny where my destiny lies.
I see myself in shadow, a life long ago
Where hurt turned into madness and
Inconsolable pain turned to wrath.
Light into darkness, changing the world
As I knew it and creating a monster of hate
Within all I touched and could not love.
Power beyond reckoning to hurt as I had been,
But now as my karmic path unfolds a twist
In this tale now begins
From madness to love
Turn chaos to peace
Healing the monster I once unleashed
For Her light now shines forth,
Guiding me along my way, to heal
Those who hurt with love
A power beyond reckoning, turning the tide
Becoming the witch I have been called to be
Who am I to deny where my destiny lies.
Fire and Air
We Are Witches
We are strong, sexy, and proud. We walk with our heads held high, confidence in our strides, and power in our wake. Others watch us and want to be us, unable to comprehend how we can be so cool. Sometimes, people are intimidated. We are women. We are Witches.
But we still are human. Every moment of our lives is a lesson. There is something to be learned from every action and every re-action. We still cry, hurt, bleed. But we also laugh, rejoice, dance, and sing. With the Goddess within us, without us, around us, we are able to be strong, even when the world tries to tear us down. We allow no one to break us down with their insecurities, hatred, ignorance, greed. We understand that to pretend to be better than someone to bring ourselves up only hurts ourselves and those around us. We do not pretend, instead, we live our truth, and the truth of the Goddess. She is in our every step, thought, every word that escapes our lips. To spread negativity is to insult Her sacred system.
So while we are strong, filled with Her power, we are also human and humble, and vow to walk in her truth every day, with every action we take upon ourselves to commit. We are women of the Goddess. We are Witches.
Bless the Circle
I can see it in your eyes
You’re as strong as I surmised
But do you know it?
Do you know you have the strength?
Do you know the power’s yours?
Witchy Woman.
You can use it if you like
It’s your gift and it’s your right
Use it wisely, Witchy Woman.
Mother Nature is your guide
She will show you wrong from right
Feel the power, it’s your connection
I can see it in your eyes
You’re as strong as I surmised
But do you know it?
There’s a goddess and a queen
Deep inside your living soul
Treat her kindly, Witchy Woman.
Invoke Goddess
She Who Is Me
She Who Is Me spoke inside. “I am She Who Is Me, Inanna”
She Who Is Me is life, is death, is growth, decay.
She Who Is Me is the spark of life, the continuing heartbeat,
the flow in and out, the ever-changing, the ever unchanging.
She Who Is Me is the web, creates the web, spins the web.
All that is, is of her.
She Who Is Me is composed of all, inhabits all, exists between all.
Light and Dark are hers.
The spinning Spiral, Circle, expanding and contracting.
Life, matter, energy, heat, water, air, and earth reflect and resound with She Who Is Me
Know this, Know Yourself, Know Goddess
High Priestess
Close your eyes and breath deeply. Let all your stress slip right out of your pores into Mother Earth’s open arms. You are safe in sacred space with your sisters and it is so good to be in Circle. Take a deep breath and turn it all over to Goddess, completely let go.
We have big magick to do tonight. Great magick that will call forth change of self in the year to come that last years lessons will not be repeated.
See your self standing before a thick mist, the air is warm and the mist dampens your clothes, as you smell the thick aroma of Mother Earth. Your heartbeat quickens in anticipation of what waits beyond the mist for it is paradise. With eyes closed raise your arm and draw your magick seal into the mist and know the mist will part for nothing less for it is forbidden for anyone to enter without your seal.
As the mist fades away your enchanted island awaits. See it in your mind’s eye as you choose. The landscape pleases you as you breath in the aromas of your gardens and lush plants. Plants of your imagination that are the herbs and basis of any potion your mind can call forth.
You can see your palace father down the garden and there are many animals sleeping about in the warmth of the sun. The island fills you with pride in its reflection of your magick. All is as it should be in your life when you are on the island. It is a place to seek counsel with self in truth far away from all who think they know best for you.
At last you have reach your destination. The herbarium, one of your most prized passions and testimony to your magick. Run your hands along the wall and feel the energy that exists here, even the vines that climb and cling to the walls and windows vibrate with energy. See your herbarium in your minds eyes as you choose it to exist and step in side and continue your vision. See all you would desire and need to make your potions. Fire and cauldrons, bottles and books. herbs fresh and dried upon shelves and tables. Nothing can your mind’s eye see is missing form such a place of magick. All you would ever need made and filed or readily available to mix.
It is here in the astral that your herbarium exists, ever waiting ever available, all you must do is remember. Wherever you are, whenever in need, all you need do is close your eyes and cross the midst. Your seal is your key and your potions a wait you. Look around one last time and let the vision of your herbarium burn true in your memory. It is in this realm that your astral magick exist, a realm separate of your life’s reality but magick that can be used when purpose serves and after all there can never be too much enchantment in a Witch’s life now can there.
So take a look once more, and raise your hand and draw forth the midst until it fills your vision and you can see no more. As when you parted the midst upon arrival, draw your seal in departure. Feel the midst fade away as you open your eyes and return to our nights work.
High Priestess
There is one thing that is not in your astral herbarium. That is a potion made and empowered by you sisters. We shall make one now of astral proportions now that you may add to your collection. Gather with me around the cauldron and chant with me.
Astral Potion Spell
Gather witches in single motion
To brew as one a magick potion
One by one we take a turn
Into the caldron our powers churn
Think in rage what must disappear
To make our visions true and clear
Pause while all add and stir cauldron
There is magick in this drink
Magick to aid anything we think
One by one in chants of four
Bless this potion then bless it more
Pause while all bless potion
For the good of all and harm thee none
A potion empowered and now it’s done
The Witch’s potion we now share
Take it with you and tend with care
It shall never run dry and always be
If in magick you seek to see
Pause while all take of potion
High Priestess
We have done great magick tonight Sister.Goddess Circe is a goddess of enchantment and in Her reflection we to shall live in enchantment. our island we have created on the astral realm for to believe is the first rule of magick.
Celebration of Circle
Wine & Cake
Blessed Be this Cake and Wine,
the Body and the Blood of the Mother
May You never hunger (passes bread) Blessed Be.
May You never thirst (passes wine) Blessed Be.
High Priestess
Gracious Goddess as we close our circle we ask that our path always be in your light.
All give personal thanks to the Goddess
Dismiss Watchtowers
The circle is open but unbroken. Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet again.
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