Goddess Diana Empowerment Ritual
Last Updated on December 18, 2017 by Abigail Adams
The Altar will be prepared and adorned to honor Goddess Diana
Coven Members needed:
- High Priestess
- Crone
- Hand Maiden
- Mother
- Summoner:
- East Watchtower
- South Watchtower
- West Watchtower
- North Watchtower
sage all that enter Circle
Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?
bless and dedicate all with Goddess Diana’s Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra
Sister to Sister we share this circle
all will cast circle
The High Priestess Speaks
Goddess Diana’s Story
High Priestess
I AM called Diana, the Bright One and the Mother Flame. I am Diana the Great of Ephesus. I am Diana Artemis, great hunter and protector of all that is wild and free. I am Diana Selene whose golden hair gives light to the Moon. From the smallest of the brethren on the Earth and of the Nature kingdom all the way to those mighty elementals that serve Creation – I am the Mother.
I send before you many teachers that have earned a Threefold Flame, they will be wise indeed and know all the secrets of the mysteries. They will work to teach the ways of the light and life eternal.. Thus, when these who are higher up on the scale of the Hierarchy of Our Bands perceive your gentleness, yet your firmness, and your ability to marshal the forces of elementals for good works, they will be open to you. Learn well my lessons and realize that an initiations passed will accord you ascension unto me.
In my Circle you have gathered and tonight I speak to you – awaken and know that you are your own worst enemy. It is you who allow doubt to deny me within. I say to thee my daughter that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and that you understand that the reason it cannot stand is because the foundation has no support from any Goddess-Manifestation until this problem of the psyche be solved.
For one who is a divided house has not yet entered the path of oneness with me. And the one who so allows her Earthly body to divide her right and left, or her karma or her psychology, should know that this is true. Realize my daughter, this may be the root cause of your not going forward on your Path as you can and as you should.
Hear me now and know that, at this moment as always I am thee and thee are me. It is only a matter of your determined will. If you will summon me forth through true mind, heart and spirit, you will be filled with the mysteries of time eternal . When one is awaken to Goddess with in, one becomes the Master of their path, resolution and harmony are your rewards.
(Goddess Speak to Me author unknown)
A girl whispered “Goddess, speak to me”
And a meadowlark sang but the girl did not hear.
So the girl yelled “Goddess speak to me!”
And the thunder rolled across the sky.
But the girl did not listen.
The girl looked around and said “Goddess let me see you”
And a star shone brightly.
But the girl did not notice.
And the girl shouted “Goddess show me a miracle”
And a life was born.
But the girl did not know.
So, the girl cried out in despair.
“Touch me Goddess and let me know that you are here!”
Where upon Goddess reached down and touched the girl.
But the girl brushed the butterfly away and walked on.
(We are Witches by Kambrielle)
We are strong, sexy, and proud. We walk with our heads held high, confidence in our strides, and power in our wake. Others watch us and want to be us, unable to comprehend how we can be so cool. Sometimes, people are intimidated. We are women. We are Witches.But we still are human. Every moment of our lives is a lesson. There is something to be learned from every action and every re-action. We still cry, hurt, bleed. But we also laugh, rejoice, dance, and sing. With the Goddess within us, without us, around us, we are able to be strong, even when the world tries to tear us down. We allow no one to break us down with their insecurities, hatred, ignorance, greed. We understand that to pretend to be better than someone to bring ourselves up only hurts ourselves and those around us. We do not pretend, instead, we live our truth, and the truth of the Goddess. She is in our every step, thought, every word that escapes our lips. To spread negativity is to insult Her sacred system.
So while we are strong, filled with Her power, we are also human and humble, and vow to walk in her truth every day, with every action we take upon ourselves to commit. We are women of the Goddess. We are Witches.
All will chant
(Ancient Goddess by Abigail Spinner)
Smiling Virgin, shining crescent Waxing fullness, luminescent
Sickle of silver, reaper of bone
Maiden, Mother and Crone
Maiden, Mother and Crone
Ancient Goddess, daughter of moonlight Ancient Goddess, mother of stone
Ancient Goddess, keeper of midnight Maiden, Mother and Crone
Maiden, Mother and Crone
We feel a sadness we cannot name. Though we have accomplished much of what we have set out to do we sense something is missing in our lives and – fruitlessly – search “out there” for the answers. What is missing is we are disconnected from our authentic sense of self.
(Witchy Woman by Moon Fox)
I can see it in your eyes, You’re as strong as I surmised, But do you know it?
Do you know you have the strength? Do you know the power’s yours? Witchy Woman.
You can use it if you like, It’s your gift and it’s your right, Use it wisely, Witchy Woman.
Mother Nature is your guide, She will show you wrong from right, Feel the power, it’s your connection
I can see it in your eyes, You’re as strong as I surmised, But do you know it?
There’s a goddess and a queen, Deep inside your living soul, Treat her kindly, Witchy Woman.
She will never lead you wrong, She is only light and truth, Listen closely, she has the answers.
It’s not hard to hear her speak, Listen closesly every day, Intuition, that’s her language.
I can see it in your eyes, You’re as strong as I surmised, But do you know it, Witchy Woman?
All will chant
(Behold There is Magick by Abbi Spinner)
Behold there is magic all around you, Behold there is magic all around you, Behold there is magic all around you
Awaken, rejoice and sing!I am the Air around you, I am the breath of life within you, I am the wind blowing through you
I am all that I am
I am the Fire around you, I am the spark of life within you, I am the flame burning through you
I am all that I am
I am the Water around you, I am the pulse of life within you, I am the ocean flowing through you
I am all that I am
I am the Earth around you, I am the heartbeat within you, I am the ground below you
I am all that I am
I am the Spirit around you, I am divinity within you, I am the light shining through you
I am all that I am
Behold there is magic all around you, Behold there is magic all around you, Behold there is magic all around you
Awaken, rejoice and sing!
Awaken, rejoice and sing!
We often live our lives backwards. We try to have more things or more money in order to do more of what we want so that we will be happier. It is our need to control, to suppress and to instill unnatural rules that is not living in harmony. Our memory must rekindle the universal knowledge within us to follow the natural cycles and divine order of Mother. We must first be who we really are, then do what we need to do, in order to have harvest our true path.
(Who Am I by Silver Wind)
Breath of life into my soul, Awakening all that lies deep within, Who am I to deny where my destiny lies.
I see myself in shadow, a life long ago, Where hurt turned into madness and Inconsolable pain turned to wrath.Light into darkness, changing the world, As I knew it and creating a monster of hate Within all I touched and could not love.
Power beyond reckoning to hurt as I had been. But now as my karmic path unfolds a twist In this tale now begins
From madness to love, Turn chaos to peace, Healing the monster I once unleashed
For Her light now shines forth Guiding me along my way, to heal Those who hurt with love
A power beyond reckoning, turning the tide. Becoming the witch I have been called to be
Who am I to deny where my destiny lies.
All will chant
(We Shall Rise author unknown)
We are alive as the Earth is alive. We have the power to create our freedom.
We have the courage, we are the healers. Like the sun we shall rise.
We have the courage, we are the healers. Like the Moon we shall rise.
We are alive as the Earth is alive. We have the power to create our freedom.
We have the courage, we are the healers. Like the sun we shall rise.
We have the courage, we are the healers. Like the Moon we shall rise.
We are alive as the Earth is alive. We have the power to create our freedom.
We have the courage, we are the healers. Like the sun we shall rise.
We have the courage, we are the healers. Like the Moon we shall rise.
We are alive as the Earth is alive. We have the power to create our freedom.
We have the courage, we are the healers. Like the sun we shall rise.
We have the courage, we are the healers. Like the Moon we shall rise.
My life as a woman now flows with the cycles of Mother Earth. I am part of Mother and She is me. I have opened up my mind, my heart, and my feminine potential to be the Goddess of my kingdom. In reflection of Mother Earth and the Goddess Diana I too begin the hunt. I shall gather my resources from the forest that is life. i shall not tarry but be quick with my spiritual bow to take what I need that my harvest know fruitation.
One by One all will stand at the Altar and claim their strength to begin the hunt. They will state their name and game. They will summon the energies of the Wise Ones to aid their hunt and they shall promise fruition of their harvest.
Celebration of Circle
Wine & Cake
Blessed Be this Cake and Wine,
the Body and the Blood of the Mother
May You never hunger (passes bread) Blessed Be.
May You never thirst (passes wine) Blessed Be.
High Priestess
Gracious Goddess as we close our circle we ask that our path always be in your light.
All give personal thanks to the Goddess
Dismiss Watchtowers
The circle is open but unbroken. Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet again.
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