Goddess Oya’s Transformational Ritual

Oya Ritual

Goddess Oya’s Transformational Ritual

Last Updated on December 18, 2017 by Abigail Adams

The the Transformational Ritual the Altar shall be adorned to honor Goddess Oya.

Coven Members needed for:

  • Cut the Circle
  • Water and Earth
  • Fire and Air
  • Bless the Circle
  • Invoke Goddess
  • High Priestess
  • Hand Maiden
  • Mother
  • Crone
  • Summoner
  • East Watchtower
  • South Watchtower
  • West Watchtower
  • North Watchtower
  • Cake and Wine


sage all that enter Circle

Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?

Coveners answer

bless and dedicate all with Goddess Oya’s Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra

Sister to Sister in perfect love and perfect trust we share this circle

all will cast circle

High Priestess

Invoke Goddess

Goddess Oya, in the Circle of your Moon do we now hail thee.

As daughters of old gathered to share and celebrate your mysteries do we gather now in this Circle of Women. Dark beauty fill us with your essence that we too may run wild and free in truth of self. Fill us with the passions of your storm; bring forth the tornado to cleanse us of us the bonds of others that give shadow to our light. Let us feel the fire of your thunder that our forgotten desires awaken the power of you that is within us. Beautiful Goddess of the land of beginnings stir in us the knowledge of the power of our thought and word. Grant us the strength to yield the saber and horsetail in the authenticates of our lives. Through Blood and vulva we celebrate you to night Goddess Oya.


Goddess Oya’s Story

High Priestess

It is a time of abundance and Mother Earth is rich and ripe in the tapestry of abundance. She cares not for structure or plan as She fills the land and sea with growth of new life. As women in tuned to Her seasons we too feel the desires of expansion. Night dreams and day visions pop in and out of our consciousness calling us to be true to ourselves. Fear and old habits remind us of the bonds of others and gives chase to our truths. It is a crossroad no less than that we faced at Samhain as we decide what to nourish and what to leave behind. What will aid the crop of self and what will infest the harvest.

Days of old hold much romance but we must not forget the toll of Her people and the hard work they faced to survive. With out tending the crops, hunger would set in come winter.

It is the same with us my sister, we must speak true to our word that we are controlling the energy of self. To speak is to give energy to desire, to speak in riddle of self is to create chaos of self. We must tend our words as we tend the crops of self, we must nurture fruits of desire and pull out the weeds of woe or we too will feel the hunger of soul at harvest.

In days of old Goddess Oya’s great storms would ravish the fields and crop. The village would gather over and over to begin again trusting that Goddess Oya would bring abundance greater than before. They embraced the storm of changes and followed Goddess onward through life. We too must embrace the change She puts before us, we must live every new beginning for if we stay where we are we may never know the greatness we are intended to be.


I am the Maiden and I seek the Maiden Oya. I stand strong and fear not what exists in the meadow beyond my village. I am born of greatness and I shall ride upon the winds to know what destiny awaits me. Maybe passion in the arms of an unknown lover and fruits of my fancy to satisfy this yearning that seems to stay with me from rise to sleep.
Oh but if I can shed this bond that all seem to ask of me I shall be free to answer the call of the meadow unknown.

I shall plan and leave soon or maybe begin a walk and never look back.

I cannot stay here forever for I fear I shall disappear and never know the greatness I am meant to be.

High Priestess

Who or what is it that we believe has the power over our choices? As our parents love us they are but vessels of our souls manifestation into this life’s realm. As for as they who will cross our paths, when did our path give second way to theirs?

Tonight under the Moon of Goddess Oya I shall find the strength to reclaim the Maiden of my hopes and dreams.

Close you eyes now my sisters and remember what is lost but still desired in wanting memories of soul and self.


Mother I am the Mother and I seek the Mother Oya. I stand strong and fear not the threats of change. I have survived much in my times and I know how to take care of me. I have known the storms of others and I have known the storms of self. I have grown strong, learning lessons as I go. Storms of change I shall embrace once again that I may heal this yearning that stays with me from wake to sleep.

Oh but if I can shed this bond that all seem to ask of me I shall be free to make the choices I choose. I shall plan and begin soon or maybe I will just begin without looking back.

I cannot stay here forever for I fear I shall disappear and never know the greatness I am meant to be.

High Priestess

Who or what is it that we believe has the power over our choices. What do they have worthy enough that we willingly give up self? Are we tempted by the security they offer rather than creating security of self. Our truth is our most sacred tool of self and Witch and we readily sacrifice our truth for the words they choose to hear. Our yearnings we must learn to fulfill least we live their life and not our own.

Close you eyes now my sisters and know your truth of soul and self.


I am the Crone and I seek the Crone Oya. I stand strong and fear not the wisdom that calls to me. Secret desires to long denied awaken with days lost in discontent and to precious be the days before me to ever waste again. Storms of change I shall call again and I shall be fulfilled from wake till sleep.

I have shed the bond that all seem to ask of and I am free to answer the call of self.

I shall run wild and free least my life slip away and I disappear never knowing the greatness I am meant to be.

High Priestess

I am a woman that hears the whispers of self. In Goddess I am strong and capable of calling forth my life as I choose it to be. My word is worthy of being heard and I give up my truth for no one. I am the storm of life everlasting and I call forth the elements at will to weave purpose of self into my life.

Close your eyes now my sisters and see the woman you choose to be. See the responsibilities of being this woman. Lay blame to no one and let the storms break the bonds of all that would ask what you do not willing offer.

All Chant

I hear the winds of Goddess Oya calling me
I hear the thunder of Goddess Oya calling me
Wake up, wake up, she calls
Wake up, wake up she calls
Listen listen
Listen listen

May my words of truth be clear
May my desire be unspoiled
May wisdom be learned
May intent be pure
May my life be a light for all

I hear the winds of Goddess Oya calling me
I hear the thunder of Goddess Oya calling me
Wake up, wake up, she calls
Wake up, wake up she calls
Listen listen
Listen listen

I hear the voices of the grandmothers calling me
I hear the voices of the grandmothers calling me
Wake up, wake up, they say, Wake up
Listen, listen
Listen, listen

May the rivers all run clear
May the mountains be unspoiled
May the trees grow tall
May the air be pure
May the earth be shared by all

I hear the voices of the grandmothers calling me
I hear the voices of the grandmothers calling me
Wake up, wake up, they say, Wake up
Listen, listen
Listen, listen

High Priestess

The quarters shall call forth the storm of Goddess Oya


I am Goddess and She is me, I call forth the winds in a storm of change.
(All shall be the winds as they repeat after the quarter)

Air Moves Us, AIR shall carry my words of truth. Air Moves Us, AIR shall carry my words of truth. Air Moves Us, AIR shall carry my words of truth.


I am Goddess and She is me, I call forth the flames in a storm of change.
(All shall be the flames as they repeat after the quarter)

Fire Transforms Us, FIRE shall fuel my desires of truth. Fire Transforms Us, FIRE shall fuel my desires of truth. Fire Transforms Us, FIRE shall fuel my desires of truth.


I am Goddess and She is me, I call forth the waters in a storm of change.
(All shall be the waters as they repeat after the quarter)

Water Shapes Us, WATER shall nourish my wisdom of truth. Water Shapes Us, WATER shall nourish my wisdom of truth. Water Shapes Us, WATER shall nourish my wisdom of truth.


I am Goddess and She is me, I call forth the earth in a storm of change.
(All shall be the earth as they repeat after the quarter)

Earth Heals Us, EARTH shall grant me harvest of truth. Earth Heals Us, EARTH shall grant me harvest of truth. Earth Heals Us, EARTH shall grant me harvest of truth.

Celebration of Circle

Wine & Cake

Blessed Be this Cake and Wine,
the Body and the Blood of the Mother
May You never hunger (passes bread) Blessed Be.
May You never thirst (passes wine) Blessed Be.

High Priestess

Gracious Goddess as we close our circle we ask that our path always be in your light.


All give personal thanks to the Goddess

Dismiss Watchtowers


The circle is open but unbroken. Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet again.

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