Imbolc Ritual – The Crone Wake

Imbolc Ritual - The Crone Wake

Imbolc Ritual – The Crone Wake

Last Updated on January 27, 2025 by Abigail Adams

Tonight, we gather as a coven to honor Imbolc, the sacred festival of light and renewal. The Earth stirs beneath the frost, whispering promises of Spring. Imbolc marks the midpoint between winter’s depths and spring’s awakening. It is a time to celebrate Brigid, the radiant goddess of poetry, healing, and fire. Our hearts kindle with hope as we honor the cycles of life, the return of light, and the energies of creation. Through ritual and unity, we welcome the sun’s growing strength and sow seeds of intention for the season to come.

Together, in light and spirit, we manifest joy, renewal, and abundance. Wear your festive robes of white, green, and other colors of spring, and bring to this circle your reverence, your courage, and your dreams for the year ahead.

Coven Members:

  • High Priestess
  • Crone
  • Handmaiden
  • Mother
  • Symbol of the Sun
  • Summoner
  • Guardians of the Watchtowers (East, South, West, North)
  • Ritual Script


The Handmaiden lovingly prepares the Triple Goddess Altar alongside the main altar. Symbols of Brigid, white and green candles, fresh flowers, and grains are displayed as offerings of fertility and renewal. The altar reflects the three aspects of the Goddess—Maiden, Mother, and Crone.


Summoner (to all):

Enter this sacred circle with hearts open to renewal and minds open to the light. Leave behind doubt and fear, and step forward into the promise of spring.

High Priestess:

Gather, children of the Goddess, and cast the circle of our sacred space. Here, we are one with the Earth, the stars, and the energies flowing around us.

Casting the Circle and Raising Energy

The Guardians of the Watchtowers call upon their elements one by one, moving clockwise.

East (Air): Spirits of the East, powers of Air, bring your breath of inspiration and clarity to this circle. Bless us with vision as we step into the light.

South (Fire): Spirits of the South, powers of Fire, kindle the flame of transformation and passion within us. Bless this sacred space with light and warmth.

West (Water): Spirits of the West, powers of Water, flow through us with intuition, harmony, and healing. Bless this circle with peace and renewal.

North (Earth): Spirits of the North, powers of Earth, ground us in strength and stability. Bless this space as we honor the promise of rebirth.

The energy of the circle builds as drums and chants fill the air. The High Priestess raises her arms, invoking the Goddess.

Invocation of the Goddess

High Priestess (standing in the Osiris pose):

I call upon thee, Great Mother, source of all life. By seed and root, by stem and flower, by leaf and fruit, I invoke Your presence. Descend upon us now, Goddess of poetry, healing, and fire. Be with us in this sacred space.

Placing the wand and scourge on the altar, she turns to the coven.


Hear the words of the Star Goddess, who was of old called by many names—Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Innana. Great mother of us all, we welcome You into this circle!

High Priestess:

I am she who nurtures all life. I am the maiden, the mother, and the crone. Through love, joy, and light, may you come to know me. Behold, I am the eternal, and I bless the turning of the wheel.


Blessed Goddess, be with us. Fill this circle with your light and guide us with your wisdom.

Honoring the Triple Goddess (Lighting the Candles)

The Maiden, Mother, and Crone approach the altar with reverence, each lighting their respective candles in turn.

Maiden (lighting the white candle):

This flame we kindle for the Maiden, the bringer of joy and new life. White, pure as snow, is her light. Welcome, Maiden; we honor your fresh beginnings.

Mother (lighting the red candle):

This flame we kindle for the Mother, the creator and nurturer. Red, vibrant as the winter sunset, is her light. Welcome, Mother; we honor your love and guidance.

Crone (lighting the black candle):

This flame we kindle for the Crone, the wise keeper of mysteries. Black, deep as the winter night, is her light. Welcome, Crone; we honor your wisdom and transformation.

Raising the Energy (Chant and Dance)

The Maiden, Mother, and Crone raise their candles, calling upon the light.

Symbol of the Sun:

Behold the Three-Formed Goddess, who is Maiden, Mother, and Crone—yet forever One. The wheel turns, and the light returns. From Spring to Summer, from Autumn to Winter, and back again, the circle of life endures.

All (chanting):

Darksome night and shining moon,
Hearken to the witches’ rune.
East then South, West then North,
Hear! Come! We call thee forth!
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell,
Send your aid unto the spell.
Horned Hunter of the night,
Work our will by magic rite.
By all the might of moon and sun,
As we do will, it shall be done.

The coven circles the fire, raising energy through song and movement. Corn dolls—symbols of the old cycle—are sacrificed into the flames, carrying wishes for the new season.

All (together):

May the strength of the old enter the new. Light returns, and life arises once more!

Closing the Circle

High Priestess (blessing the cakes and wine):

Blessed be this bread and wine, the body and blood of the Mother. May it nourish us as the Earth begins to awaken.

Passing the cakes and wine, each member offers thanks and takes a piece.


May we never hunger. May we never thirst. Blessed be!

The High Priestess leads the dismissal of the Watchtowers in reverse order.

North: Spirits of the North, return to your realm with our gratitude. Blessed be!
West: Spirits of the West, flow back to your waters with our thanks. Blessed be!
South: Spirits of the South, carry our light and warmth. Blessed be!
East: Spirits of the East, ride upon the winds with our deepest thanks. Blessed be!

All (in unison):

The circle is open, but unbroken. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.


With joy in their hearts, the coven continues the celebration with laughter, dance, and shared dreams for the coming Spring. Blessed be!


Closing the Ritual

Imbolc is more than just a seasonal marker; it is a celebration of light, renewal, and the eternal cycles that bind us to nature and each other. Through the sacred rituals, the lighting of candles, the chants of gratitude, and the shared bond of the coven, we honor the Goddess and her gift of life. The Maiden brings us the hope of new beginnings, the Mother nurtures our creativity and growth, and the Crone reminds us of the wisdom found in every transition. Together, they guide us forward into the promise of Spring, where vitality and abundance await.

Imbolc Blessing Spell

The unity of the coven during the ritual is a testament to the power of collective energy and shared intention. Standing in the circle, surrounded by light and warmth, we feel the strength of our connection to the Earth, to the divine, and to one another. Imbolc inspires us to carry these truths into our daily lives, knowing that with every end, there is a new beginning.

As we leave the circle and move into the season of growth, may the light of the Goddess shine within us. May it ignite our dreams, nurture our hopes, and remind us of the joy that renewal brings. With hearts full and spirits lifted, we step forward with gratitude, eager to welcome the transformations of tomorrow. Blessed be!

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  • sarah Reply


    March 9, 2021 at 12:35 pm

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