Lammas – Goddess Demeter Harvest Ritual
Last Updated on December 18, 2017 by Abigail Adams
Hand Maiden will outline the perimeter of Circle with corn and seed. Place gold cloth on the altar and garnish with harvest vegetables and fruits. Place Demeter Oil, seeds and one muslin pouch on altar for every sister in circle.
Coven Members needed:
- High Priestess
- Crone
- Handmaiden
- Summoner:
- East Watchtower
- South Watchtower
- West Watchtower
- North Watchtower
All will cast circle
High Priestess
Story of Demeter
High Priestess
Time moves forever forward and again the wheel has turned bringing us First Harvest. A time when we think about sacrifices and reborn hope. A time when we reflect on what we have sown by what we reap. A time when we gather our memories, and those lessons we have learned, we plan for the future.”
Dedicate Demeter Oil
Demeter, goddess of the fertile fields, and Demeter, cause of famine in your grief. Grant us wisdom. Let us harvest the knowledge of your abundant power that runs through our veins. Let us see with your eyes, hear with your ears, touch with your hands and kiss with your lips
Bless and dedicate all with Demeter Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra as Crone reads
Above all, celebrate Her ritual. Pay your yearly tribute to the Corn-goddess. A sacrifice in Circle, just at the close of summer when fall has cleared the sky. Oh then the lambs are fat, then are wines most mellow. Sweet then is sleep, and rich on mountains lie the shadows. Let all your maidens worship the Corn-Goddess. For her, fresh be the bread and sweet be the wine. Dance the circle three times round the young crop, feted by all your maidens accompanying it in a body. Let them call to Her with a shout, and let nobody lay sickle to the ripe corn till in her honor, the Maidens dance and sing in celebration.
All dance the witches song three times around the fire passing the wine
High Priestess
The cultivation of self is one’s greatest crop. To honor one’s self is to honor the Goddess. To grow and be true to one’s desires is a fruitful life. Let all who wish to honor their harvest do so now in toast, thanks and cheer.”
All share the victories they’ve celebrated the past year, sharing wine
Take seeds from altar and dedicate
Goddess Demeter, as the winds blow through the ripened fields let loosened seeds fall upon the Earth. Cover them in times of storm, protecting and nourishing them. May they sprout again next Spring, beginning life anew again. Blessed be this Harvest Night, The Givers and the gift
Guardian of the East, grant us knowledge to tend our seeds.
All dedicate seeds to East
Guardian of the South, grant us courage to tend our seeds.
all dedicate seeds to South
Guardian of the West, grant us wisdom to tend our seeds.
all dedicate seeds to West
Guardian of the North, grant us grounding to tend our seeds.
All dedicate seeds to North
Take grains from altar and dedicate
Blessed be this Harvest Night, the sacrifice and the toll. Weed out and leave behind that which stunts the growth. Let our lives be a blessing to the Earth that sustains us, and to all the creatures that live in Her light.
Share grains with all for their sacrifice to fire one by one as they state what they wish to overcome
High Priestess
Our Goddess has pleasured herself with sun and season. We have been blessed with harvest and we celebrate in her splendor. May the sacred Sabbat we’ve shared tonight give strength to our path. May we may walk it without fear and always in Her light. Blessed Be and Happy Lammas.
Celebration of Circle
Wine & Cake
Blessed Be this Cake and Wine,
the Body and the Blood of the Mother
May You never hunger (passes bread) Blessed Be.
May You never thirst (passes wine) Blessed Be.
High Priestess
Gracious Goddess as we close our circle we ask that our path always be in your light.
All give personal thanks to the Goddess
Dismiss Watchtowers
The circle is open but unbroken. Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet again.
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