Our Coven

Coven of the Goddess is a coven of 13 highly respected witches with 390 years of combined experience.  When you order from us, your spell(s) will be cast by the entire coven. Each of the 13 members brings in their own powers and energies, which makes our spell work extremely potent and powerful.

When you hire the Coven of the Goddess for your spell work,  be prepared to be pleasantly surprised and amazed! We have a long history of turning non-believers into huge fans and into loyal repeat customers. Once the Coven of the Goddess gets to work on your behalf, you are in great hands. We will turn every stone in your spiritual path hence making sure that all your desired results are easily obtainable. Thirteen gifted witches will cast your spell at the same time, although we all have our own techniques and preferred ingredients, we all have one thing in common; we all want you to get what you have asked for.

It is as simple as that, The Coven of the Goddess will do everything in our powers to make your wish a reality. Think about the overwhelming power of thirteen witches working in concert with one goal in mind, and that is to make your wish a reality.

Let us help you today!

How our Coven was founded

High priestess Abigail Adams is a natural-born bona-fide American witch, Internationally known for her mastery of witchcraft.  At the age of 10 years old, she was able to see and speak with dead people. Her divine gift and extreme sensitivity to the spiritual realm caught the attention of a very powerful necromancer who mentored and initiated Abigail Adams into her coven. Abigail excelled at a very rapid pace.

By the time she turned 18 years old, she had become a highly respected witch. She has been casting spells ever since.

In August 2002, she founded her own coven of 13 powerful witches and named it Coven of the Goddess.

Coven of the Goddess has garnered respect and admiration from all over the world. They have been helping people from all walks of life ever since.

Our Core Principles

Our Coven is represented by four pillars that are our core principles. These are Growth, Balance, Responsibility, and Unity. They are the basic philosophy of our Coven. As a Circle of women, we honor the four pillars as the foundation of our Coven.


We encourage personal growth and honor that growth within our Coven. Spirituality and Magick of Goddess are not defined by the hierarchy of Coven status but by wisdom sought and time dedicated by individuals. We celebrate challenges with encouragement, degrees with excitement, and accomplishments with joy.


As daughters of the Goddess, we seek to live our lives in tune to Her natural rhythms, our Rituals follow Her seasons, and the turning of the wheel. Encouraged by our Sisters in Circle, we respect and embrace the dark and the light in all things, including our own joys and shadows. We seek sanctuary in balance and become empowered by our choices.


The strength of our Circle comes with accepting the consequences of our choices. The Coven is helpful, empathetic, and encouraging in aid, but only if someone is willing to help herself first. The path of another will always be respected as their path as well as their choices and lessons.


It is the desire of the Coven to see all that seek Goddess prosper and grow as women in Her reflection. To stand together as Spiritual Energy and live by our like-minded principles. We except this unity as Her work and allow our energy to be guided by Her as a sanctuary to all who seek help from our Circle.