Pentacle of the Priestess – Colorado Dragonfest 2006
Last Updated on December 24, 2017 by Abigail Adams
A Pentacle will be outlined in center of Circle with cauldron in center.
- Spirit
- Earth
- Air
- Water
- Fire
- Cut Circle
- Goddess Charge
- Maiden
- Mother
- Crone
- Sister
- Sister
We will cast Circle
(Travel once deosil around the circle chanting continuously with aid of all)
By Air, by Water, by Fire, by Stone
By breath and womb and blood and bone
I walk the spiral; I circle ‘round
To consecrate this holy ground.
(Walk into center of circle, turn in place deosil, chanting with aid of all)
With the eyes of the Maiden and the heart of the Mother
Thru the belly of the Crone and reflected in each other.
By the stars that shine above and the fires that burn below
The circle is cast, may all of us know:
The circle sets us free; blessed be!! (Repeat, louder)Blessed be!!
Ancient mother of mothers,
Here at the gateway of Universal Spirit
From the timeless abundance of your fertile womb,
Summon to this rite tonight,Your sacred Spirit.
Gracious Ancestors flow as one within us that we may know the thread of life that fills the void.
As Spirit is the blood of one and all, let us begin our journey of awareness of soul into body.
From the spiral of beginnings let us weave our life filled with promise of safe return to the sanctuary of Spirit.
Ancient mother of mothers, we gather within the Pentacle of the Priestess to create sacred space in your worship
May all that we are be changed as Your gateway of Spirit is opened.
I bid thee hail and welcome.
Ancient mother of mothers,
Here at the gateway of Earth,
From the Expanse of your earthly womb,
Summon to this sacred rite,Your blessed Growth.
Feed us with your soil,The nourishment of life, of truth.
Spawn with in us the blessing of life ever-changing, ever creating.
Your presence over time gives us the hours we desire, to learn your timeless ways.
Ancient mother of mothers,
As we gather within the Pentacle of the Priestess,
To create sacred space in your worship,
May all that we are be changed as
Your gateway is opened.
I bid thee hail and welcome.
Ancient mother of mothers,
Here at the gateway of the easterly air,
From the boundless reaches of your heavenly womb,
Summon to this sacred rite,your blessed breathe.
Upon you gentle breeze bring us clarity and vigor for living
Grant us the free moving ability to traverse space and time.
And with your roaring winds of change, bring forth wisdom
To listen and heed your Divine Inspiration
Ancient mother of mothers,
As we gather within the Pentacle of the Priestess
To create sacred space in your worship.
May all that we are be changed as
Your gateway is opened.
I bid the hail and welcome.
Ancient Mother of mothers,
Here at the gateway of Water,
From the depths of your watery womb
Do summon to this sacred rite
Your blessed tide.
Twilight beckons as the sun descends in the west.
We feel it, too, the turning of the great wheel,
As each day we grow older, wiser, deeper.
You flow through and connect us, great Water
As we are connected to the blood of all women
And to She who grants us life.
Wash over us, Water; carry away our troubles.
Call forth our intuition and bring change upon the tide.
Ancient mother of mothers,
As we gather within the Pentacle of the Priestess,
To create sacred space in your worship,
May all that we are be changed as
Your gateway is opened.
I bid thee hail and welcome.
Ancient mother of mothers,
Here at the gateway of fire,
From the caverns of your fiery womb,
Summon to this sacred rite,
Your blessed flame.
Consuming passion flow in our blood,
That we may desire and lust for your, Mysteries.
Arouse in us the forged unison of
Sensuality and Strength that flows
Like the lava at your core.
From the ash of the destroyer,
Spring from us the new life and growth,
Brought forth by the death of self.
Ancient mother of mothers,
As we gather within the Pentacle of the Priestess,
To create sacred space in your worship.
May all that we are be changed as,
Your gateway is opened.
I bid thee hail and welcome.
Invocation of Goddess
Veiled Isis, Aphrodite of the sea, Thou mother Goddess of a thousand names. Morae, Lavare, Bittersweet, Benign. Thou who are at once consort, mother, sister, wife. Thou who are the water and the wine. Bringer of life, keeper of death. Take my will, our spark of urgent fire gestate in thy womb, sharpen and cleanse my arrow of desire. Make we the shuttle and the earth the loom until the wore and the weave of magick shall weave a web that the claw of the Gyphon shall not break. Blessed Be.
Welcome to our sacred Circle. Our Coven is deeply honored to sit in this Circle of women and share the truth we were not always allowed to speak.As daughters of Goddess we all embrace that She is the beginning of all that is.
The Great Mother
In the beginning there was only darkness, the great vast darkness of She, the Great Mother. And from Her womb came the earth, the heavens, the sun, the moon, and the sea. All life existed as a part of Her, our living, self-regulating Mother. For millions of years She existed of Herself, Her energy self-contained and ever renewing. She knew nothing but peace, nothing but gentleness. Her oceans and rivers, the blood of Her that rocked with the cycles of the moon, became filled with life forms, daughter cells all born in her reflection. Her soils, Her very skin, warmed by her sun and nurtured by her rains became fertile and more daughter cells began to grow from her as plants. As was above so was below; life was stirring in and of our Great Mother. From the deepest crevices of her fleshy Earth to the moist belly of Her watery womb life was born and nourished by Her.
For millions of years the tiniest of life forms clung to Mother and her seasons became a spiral dance of birth and death and rebirth. Roots and seeds ate of Mother in the spring to grow strong and give birth in the reflection of their creator. Animals ate the harvest of Mother, the fruits and the grasses that grew upon her soil as well as in her waters. Daughter cells divided and multiplied to form new and ever more complex forms of life just as Mother had at their creation. As life flourished so did Mother: Her abundance was never-ending and as life begat life begat life, She grew ever stronger.
And so it was for millions of years to come. Life prospered and changed as it chose to. Some animals would choose to remain in her waters, some would choose to walk upon her soil and some would turn away from the source, from life of Mother, nourishing instead on the flesh of other beings. It was a time of transition and Mother’s blood turned red to mark this change.
To some this blood would stir an unbearable hunger that was quenched only by the hunt, the conquering and consumption of another. To some it would call to give back what was taken, to bleed as Mother bleeds and give birth as Mother gives birth to replenish what has always been. Life among Mother’s children would forever change.
And so it would begin in this new era as the cycles of Mother called forth those that would bleed. The daughters of Goddess would hold sacred the ways of the old, the mysteries of life, death and renewal. In the wombs of their bodies they reflected the great womb of Mother, the very oceans that had nourished life from the beginning of time. They would go forth in the world, spreading to the corners of the earth to live in reflection of Mother, nurturing her people and continuing to honor the Mysteries.
The Goddess who birthed the universe became the many Goddesses of the east and west, of Africa, Asia, Egypt, the Americas, and Europe. The legends would be told in many tongues the story of the one Great Mother. Cerridwyn and her cauldron of knowledge; Diana the huntress of survival; Kwan Yin and her everlasting compassion; Isis, Mistress of magick; and Demeter, mother of the harvest. By as many names as there were people the Great mother was worshiped and the earth held sacred in her honor.
Until the change. No one really knows when or where it began that Kings would stand upon her and claim her body as their own. To possess her lands and riches became the sport of those who craved the taste of her blood. They created a God that would deny their sacred mother and began to claim the bodies of women, born in Her image, as evil and wicked. They divorced themselves from Her daughters. Instead, they sought to possess and rape their bodies as they possessed and raped her lands. And with their armies they killed all who would not follow their god and submit to their dominion.
The armies grew and one king after another claimed the throne of the angry god. At first they fought only amongst themselves over the land but soon even that was not enough. They began to fight the women in their effort to defeat and control the Great mother. They began to use and torture the women for their own pleasure or out of their own fears. They stoned and mutilated women to remove their sexual power. They burned them at the stake when they practiced the healing ways of the old or said prayers to the Great Mother. And they told them, again and again, until they began to believe it was true, that they were not sacred and the Great Mother did not exist.
As the Great mother wept her daughters grew closer that they might be strong enough to remember her. They passed on to their daughters the mysteries of the great Mother and the truth of their bleeding. They shared with their daughters the sacredness of life, the earth, the plants and the animals. And as a daughter of Goddess, you, too are now a keeper of Her mysteries, a whisperer of ancient wisdom, a tender at Her sacred fire.
I tell you now my sisters in this circle of women, the Great Mother lives in each of you. It is she who gives you the strength to believe in yourself when all else would tell you differently. It is she that calls to you of the ways of the old, of how to care for and heal your body and bring peace and compassion to the world. It is she that calls you out under the full Moon and whispers the secrets of the mysteries to you, Her heartbeat thumping in your chest as you dance to the sound of Her drum.
It is she that tells you “You are sacred. You are the beginning and the end of all I am. Wherever you look you will find me and I will never look away.”
Thou art goddess and I tell you this is true.
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
They would tell you, you are not sacred as they would tell you I am not so
They would tell you my blood is unholy but I tell you it brings forth life
They would tell you, you are not worthy but I tell you, you are Goddess
And I tell you this is true.
If a woman conceives, and bears a male child, then she shall be unclean seven days.. But if she bears a female child then she shall be unclean two weeks.
They would tell you, you are not sacred as they would tell you I am not so
They would tell you my blood is unholy but I tell you it brings forth life
They would tell you, you are not worthy but I tell you, you are Goddess
And I tell you this is true.
Goddess Charge
This, then, is the law of jealousy when a woman goes astray and defiles herself while married to her husband, or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin.
They would tell you, you are not sacred as they would tell you I am not so
They would tell you my blood is unholy but I tell you it brings forth life
They would tell you, you are not worthy but I tell you, you are Goddess
And I tell you this is true.
How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
They would tell you, you are not sacred as they would tell you I am not so
They would tell you my blood is unholy but I tell you it brings forth life
They would tell you, you are not worthy but I tell you, you are Goddess
And I tell you this is true.
But any woman who prays and prophecies with her head unveiled dishonors her head – it is the same as if her head were shaven, for if a woman will not veil herself then she should cut off her hair. But if it is disgraceful for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her wear a veil.
They would tell you, you are not sacred as they would tell you I am not so
They would tell you my blood is unholy but I tell you it brings forth life
They would tell you, you are not worthy but I tell you, you are Goddess
And I tell you this is true.
Air – Exodus 21:7-11
When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again.
They would tell you, you are not sacred as they would tell you I am not so
They would tell you my blood is unholy but I tell you it brings forth life
They would tell you, you are not worthy but I tell you, you are Goddess
And I tell you this is true.
Fire – Eccless 7:26-28
And I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare….while I was still searching but not finding, I found one upright man among a thousand but not one upright woman among them all.
They would tell you, you are not sacred as they would tell you I am not so
They would tell you my blood is unholy but I tell you it brings forth life
They would tell you, you are not worthy but I tell you, you are Goddess
And I tell you this is true.
Earth – 1 Corin 14:34
When a woman has a discharge of blood which is her regular discharge from her body, she shall be apart seven days. And Who so ever touches her shall be unclean until the evening.
They would tell you, you are not sacred as they would tell you I am not so
They would tell you my blood is unholy but I tell you it brings forth life
They would tell you, you are not worthy but I tell you, you are Goddess
And I tell you this is true.
Spirit – Deut. 22:20
Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.
They would tell you, you are not sacred as they would tell you I am not so
They would tell you my blood is unholy but I tell you it brings forth life
They would tell you, you are not worthy but I tell you, you are Goddess
And I tell you this is true.
Water – Num. 31:1
Now kill every male among the little ones and kill every woman that has known a man by lying with him, but all the young girls who have not known a man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves
They would tell you, you are not sacred as they would tell you I am not so
They would tell you my blood is unholy but I tell you it brings forth life
They would tell you, you are not worthy but I tell you, you are Goddess
And I tell you this is true.
Charge of the Goddess
Listen to the Words of the Great Mother, Who was of old called among men Artemis, Astarte, Diana, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride, and by many other Names. Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month and better it be when the moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place, and adore the spirit of me, who am Queen of all witches. There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets; to these will I teach all things that are as yet unknown. And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye be truly free, you shall be naked in your rites; and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise. For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy on earth; for my law is love unto all beings. Keep pure your highest ideals; strive ever towards them, let nothing stop you or turn you aside. For mine is the secret door which opens upon the Land of Youth, and mine is the cup of the wine of life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Vessel of Immortality. I am the gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man. Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace, and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor do I demand sacrifice; for behold, I am the Mother of all living, and my love is poured out upon the Earth. I am the beauty of the green Earth, and the white Moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the heart of man. Call unto thy soul, arise, and come unto me. For I am the soul of Nature, who gives life to the Universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return; and before my face, beloved of gods and of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded, in the rapture of the infinite. Let my worship be within the heart that rejoicest, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And thou who thinketh to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knoweth the mystery; that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee. For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.
We are the daughters of Goddess. Maiden, Mother and Crone united as one in Her reflection. Let us call forth that which dwells within that we may live in balance of the greatness we are meant to be.
Blessed Be the Maiden, keeper of our dreams. She who first bid us crawl towards our eye’s fancy dwells within in us today. It is She that grants play to the Mother and adventure to the Crone. Let us honor Her today in our Circle of women. Please repeat after me.
Maiden of self I do call you forth that I may remember my dreams of youth.I honor the dreams past, present and future that you fill me with. Grant in me the eternal spring of Goddess that I might be filled with imagination of the greatness I am meant to be.
Blessed Be the Mother, nurturer of our path. She who bids us courage in our choices and strength in our challenges dwells within us today. It is She that grants sanctuary to the Maiden and passion to the Crone. Let us honor Her today in our Circle of women. Please repeat after me.
Mother of self I do call you forth that I may remember that I am your reflection and the authenticity you fill me with. Grant in me the eternal abundance of Goddess that I might be filled with sanctuary of the greatness I am meant to be.
Blessed Be the Crone, tireless warrior of or soul. She who stands against all odds and tends our personal wounds dwells within us today. It is She that grants new beginnings to the Maiden and compassion to the Mother. Let us honor Her today in our Circle of women. Please repeat after me.
Crone of self I do call you forth that I may remember your lessons well. Grant in me the eternal life of Goddess that I might be filled with promise of the greatness I am meant to be.
We have gather in this Sacred Circle and honored the Goddess and self. Let us continue in our work of uniting as women and sharing the gifts of Goddess. Let us share the Pentacle of the Priestess. Get very comfortable and close your eyes. Be very aware of your breath as you breathe the powerful energy of this Circle in. Be very aware of the women you share Circle with, powerful women, women who reflect the womb of the Goddess Herself. Feel the energy and know the divine purpose that brings you to this Ritual.
Pentacle of The Priestess Meditation
In your minds eye see yourself standing tall and strong with your arms and legs out stretched. Feel the elements swirling around you as you feel the essence of Goddess growing stronger. Take a deep breath and feel your desire to become one with all grow strong. Feel a wanting you have not felt in a long time as anticipation stirs deep within you.
Take a deep breath and feel the energy of the Goddess filling your Crown with past presents and future life giving energy. Know in your minds eye all the answers you seek are yours through this point of self. All that is Goddess dwells at this point to aid you at your beckon call. The ancestors dwell in this point to aid you at your beckon call. There is power and knowledge unknown waiting for you here. Thou art goddess and I tell you this is true.
Take a deep breath and feel this energy continue through your body to your left foot. As this Goddess energy enters this point it summons forth Earth energy. All that is the Element of Earth dwells at this point to aid you at your beckon call. All that is Daughter dwells at this point to aid you at your beckon call. Thou art goddess and I tell you this is true.
Take a deep breath and feel this energy continue through your body to your right hand. As this Goddess energy enters this point it summons forth Air energy. All that is the Element of Air dwells at this point to aid you at your beckon call. Vision dwells at this point to aid you at your beckon call. Thou art goddess and I tell you this is true.
Take a deep breath and feel this energy continue through your body to your left hand. As this Goddess energy enters this point it summons forth Water energy. All that is the Element of Water dwells at this point to aid you at your beckon call. Wisdom dwells at this point to aid you at your beckon call. Thou art goddess and I tell you this is true.
Take a deep breath and feel this energy run through your body to your right foot. As this Goddess energy enters this point it summons forth Fire energy. All that is the Element of Fire dwells at this point to aid you at your beckon call. Power dwells at this point to aid you at your beckon call. Thou art goddess and I tell you this is true.
Take a deep breath and feel this energy continue through your body to your crown. As this Goddess energy enters this point it summons forth the Priestess of self. All that is the reflection of Goddess dwells at this point to aid you at your beckon call. A Priestess dwells at this point to aid you at your beckon call. Thou art goddess and I tell you this is true.
From Goddess you are born and through you Goddess lives. Her elements are your Elements to weave magick and weave balance in your life. In your minds eye see the Pentacle of the Priestess and it reflection that exists within you. Carry forth this wisdom and live in Goddess for thou art Goddess and I tell you this is true.
Open your eyes and we shall chant and dance the Spiral Dance together.
I am daughter in Her eyes
I am daughter in Her eyes
I am daughter in Her eyes
I am daughter in Her eyes
I am vision in Her eyes
I am vision in Her eyes
I am vision in Her eyes
I am vision in Her eyes
I am wisdom in Her eyes
I am wisdom in Her eyes
I am wisdom in Her eyes
I am wisdom in Her eyes
I am power in Her eyes
I am power in Her eyes
I am power in Her eyes
I am power in Her eyes
I am priestess in Her eyes
I am priestess in Her eyes
I am priestess in Her eyes
I am priestess in Her eyes
I weave magick in Her eyes
I weave magick in Her eyes
I weave magick in Her eyes
I weave magick in Her eyes
Sisters I say unto you, it is She who taught us to love and She who we have forgotten when lost in love. It is She who beckons us back. It is in wisdom of truth we must embrace all new beginnings for we are the magic of your own creation. We are the vessel where strength and determination grow. Arise in your wisdom and power leave behind a past of uncertainty and call forward your destiny. Please repeat the affirmations the Pentacle Points will lead us in.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to know self is to know Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to honor self is to honor Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to see self is to see Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to love self is to love Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to desire self is to desire Goddess.
We are women who have walked through darkness and light. We have loved and lost and loved again. We have feared and faced that fear and we are still standing. It is the balance of the Ancient Mother of Mothers we seek, to learn to give to others but not so much that we lose ourselves. Please repeat the affirmations the Pentacle Points will lead us in.
I am Goddess and She is me, to deny self is to deny Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to abuse self is to abuse Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to silence self is to silence Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to bind wisdom self is to bind wisdom of Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to limit passion of self, is to limit passion Goddess.
We are the future of Goddess and it is through the authenticity of self in Her reflection that change will come. Through us She will live and we will shine Her light for the women not given that choice. Please repeat the affirmations the Pentacle Points will lead us in.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to speak Her many names gives life to Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to care for Her creatures gives life to Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to share Her mysteries gives life to Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to heal Her people gives life to Goddess.
I am Goddess and She is Me, to lead Her people gives life to Goddess.
Let us claim Her together
(All women together lead by all points)
I am Goddess and She is Me!!!
I am Goddess and She is Me!!!
I am Goddess and She is Me!!!
(approach the center where caldron is and bless the bread)
Blessed Be this bread and drink, the body and blood of the Goddess. May we never hunger and may we never thirst.
Quarters and sisters will join in the center facing outward towards the circle and Quarters will dismiss.
Ancient mother of mothers,
I free you return to your realm.
We continue in the growth you lead us towards.
We are blessed by your ever presence.
You are with us always.
Your gateway is forever open to us.
I bid you Hail and Farewell.
Ancient mother of mothers,
I free you return to your realm.
We continue in the growth you lead us towards.
We are blessed by your ever presence.
You are with us always.
Your gateway is forever open to us.
I bid you Hail and Farewell.
Ancient mother of mothers,
I free you return to your realm.
We see vigor for life is clear through you.
We move freely through space and time.
Your strong winds have brought us wisdom we are inspired through you.
Your gateway is forever open to us,
I bid you Hail and Farewell.
Ancient mother of mothers,
I free you return to your realm.
We grow wiser through the turning of the year.
We are connected as sisters and sister we will always be.
You bring us the change we desperately need allow us to wash away our trouble.
Your gateway is forever open to us.
I bid you Hail and Farewell.
Ancient mother of mothers,
I free you return to your realm.
We embrace your mysteries and your passion.
We are Strong and sensual beings.
You bring us from the ashes renewed.
Your gateway is forever open to us.
I bid you Hail and Farewell.
All will sing dismissal song
The Circle is open but unbroken,
may the love of the Goddess be ever in your heart.
Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.
Spirit will invite all to share bread and drink
All will serve drink and bread
All will visit with guest
All will be invited to take a Pentagram Disk from Circle.
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