Job and Career Spell


Your job is a big part of your life. It helps you get the things you need, the things you want, and, sometimes, the success you crave. When your job and your career aren’t taking you to the places you want to go, it can become depressing and even soul-crushing. If you are doing all you can to advance yourself, it might be time to try something else, to do something new, and to call on the magic of the universe to help. The Job and Career Spell might be just the thing to get things moving in the right direction.



No matter if you want to make your current job better or you want your career to take off in a new direction, the Job and Career spell can call on positive energies. You’ll start to advance in your career by meeting the people you need to meet and securing the projects that get you noticed. You’ll stop feeling as though you’re stuck or unable to find the right path to success.

Everything you do in your job will start to get noticed — for the right reasons. You might find yourself getting the promotion you really want or you’ll find a new job that speaks to your true calling. This spell can also help when there are people who are getting in the way of your career, allowing those obstacles to simply fall away.

This spell is also ideal when you’re worried about the stability of your current job. If there have been rumblings of layoffs, you can use this spell to make sure your job stays put so you don’t have to worry about where your next paycheck will come from.

You’ll start to attract the money you deserve to make and you’ll be at the top of your career game. Imagine a life that doesn’t include worrying about your job or your next career steps. You’ll have what you need, when you need it.

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Strength Levels

Standard $59, Power $89, Ultimate $169


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