Spell to Increase His or Her Love


Lately, you’ve been feeling as though your partner doesn’t have the same attraction to you. Maybe they’ve been less attentive or they’ve been forgetting important dates, you’ve noticed the love is a little less than it used to be. You don’t have to wait around and hope things will get better. Instead, you can use the Spell to Increase His or Her Love. This spell will make sure to turn up the volume on their love for you and it will help you both have a stronger partnership.



We all get busy and preoccupied at times, and we might make our relationship less of a priority. Maybe we’ve had kids or gotten a promotion or have been sick. No matter what the reason, you can call on the power of magic to boost the love that’s already between you and your partner.

This spell will help you fall madly in love with each other again. Your partner will remember what drew you to each other before and they will remember just how special you are to them. They will remember the important dates, the gifts you like, and the attention you deserve. Almost like a switch, the Spell to Increase His or Her Love will make your partner love you even more – or, at least, show it more than they have been.

As an added benefit, this spell will also ensure your partner doesn’t stray from you, as is often more likely when love is less. The Spell to Increase His or Her Love will ensure your partner only has eyes – and love – for you.

While relationships will often have times when things feel ‘off,’ you don’t have to settle for less than what you deserve. With the Spell to Increase His or Her Love, you can both enjoy a love that is stronger than any outside stress or distraction.

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Strength Levels

Standard $59, Power $89, Ultimate $169


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