Spring Equinox and Ostara Ritual
Last Updated on December 18, 2017 by Abigail Adams
Hand Maiden will prepare small table to the right of Altar, all will place pre-decorated pots and seeds on table.
Coven Members needed:
- High Priestess
- Hand Maiden
- Mother
- Crone
- Summoner
- East Watchtower
- South Watchtower
- West Watchtower
- North Watchtower
- Cake and Wine
sage all that enter Circle
Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?
Bless and dedicate all with Goddess Inanna Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra
Sister to Sister in perfect love and perfect trust we share this circle
All will cast circle
Awaken all for spring is here and the light has returned once more.
Summoner touch and awaken Coveners and all rise into the Spring
In perfect love be what thou will
High Priestess
This is the time of Springs return, the joyful time, the seed-time. When life burst forth from the Earth and the chains of winter are broken. Light and Dark are equal, it’s a time of balance when all the elements within us must be brought into a new harmony.
The Sun grows strong and Kore, the Dark Maiden returns from the Land of the Dead cloaked in the fresh rain, with the sweet scent of desire on her breath.
Where she steps the wild flowers appear. As she dances, despair turns to hope; sorrow to joy; and want to abundance.
May our hearts be open with Spring. Blessed Be
Coveners take their seedling from altar.
Hand Maiden leads all indicating seedling to the Goddess
As matter has no meaning without mind, so soil has no significance without seed.
Let life breathe fort itself as life!
High Priestess
Blessed be the seed that has grown into the plant. The Goddess Kore has blessed us with her presence and we celebrate Her gifts.
She changes everything she touches
and everything she touches, changes
Chant is, Touch is, Touch is, Change is
Chance us, Touch us, Touch us, Change us
High Priestess
Everything lost is found again
in a new form, in a new way
everything hurt is healed again
in a new life, in a new way
She changes everything she touches
and everything she touches, changes
Chant is, Touch is, Touch is, Change is
Chance us, Touch us, Touch us, Change us
Celebration of Circle
Wine & Cake
Blessed Be this Cake and Wine,
the Body and the Blood of the Mother
May You never hunger (passes bread) Blessed Be.
May You never thirst (passes wine) Blessed Be.
High Priestess
Gracious Goddess as we close our circle we ask that our path always be in your light.
All give personal thanks to the Goddess
Dismiss Watchtowers
The circle is open but unbroken. Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet again.
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