Chants and Praises

You can have anything you want if you want it desperately enough. You must want it with an exuberance that erupts through the skin and joins the energy that created the world.

Charge of the Goddess

Listen to the Words of the Great Mother, Who was of old called among men Artemis, Astarte, Diana, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride, and by many other Names. Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month and better it be when the moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place, and adore the spirit of me, who am Queen of all witches. There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets; to these will I...

The Charge of the Crone

Hear the words of the Grandmother of Time: She who has been known as Hecate, Erishkagel, Cerridwen, Kali-Ma, Anna, Perenna, Spider Woman, and many other names - some feared, and some loved, but none ever ignored. She it is who brings wisdom and the awareness of eternity. She has been the Maiden, and remembers that joy. She has been the Mother, and recalls that pleasure. But age has changed her, and taught her the mysteries of the Wheel that is ever turning, the Wheel that is life, death, and rebirth. She is the whirling tornado,...

I am a Witch – Chant

Author unknown I am a Witch and Ancient Healer I am a Witch who is older than Time I am a Witch Younger than Tomorrow A Witch who is wise in the ways of Nature I am a Witch I am a daughter of Life and Earth I am a Witch who Dances the Moon I am of Broom, Cauldron and Herbs I am Magick of spirit eternal and good I am a Witch I am a Witch I put no one before me I am a Witch who knows what I...

She Who Is Me – Chant and Praise

by InAnna She Who Is Me spoke inside. “I am She Who Is Me, Inanna” She Who Is Me is life, is death, is growth, decay. She Who Is Me is the spark of life, the continuing heart beat, the flow in and out, the ever changing, the ever unchanging. She Who Is Me is the web, creates the web, spins the web. All that is, is of her. She Who Is Me is composed of all, inhabits all, exists between all. Light and Dark are hers. The...

We Are Witches – Chant and Praise

by Kambrielle We are strong, sexy, and proud. We walk with our heads held high, confidence in our strides, and power in our wake. Others watch us and want to be us, unable to comprehend how we can be so cool. Sometimes, people are intimidated. We are women. We are Witches. But we still are human. Every moment of our lives is a lesson. There is something to be learned from every action and every re-action. We still cry, hurt, bleed. But...

Circle of Light – Chant

by Mz. Imani There's a circle of light around you There's a circle of love in your heart There's a circle of family around you, There's a circle of you inside me Oh, sister's I love you Oh, sisters you help me to grow Oh sisters I love you My sisters I want you to know, that…. There's a circle of light around you There's a circle of love in your heart There's a circle of family around you, There's a circle of you inside me Oh, brother's I love you Oh, brother's you...

Higher and Higher – Chant

by Windsong Mother I feel you under my feet, Mother I hear your heart beat, Hey yun a ho yun a hey yun yun, Hey yun a ho yun a hey yun yun, Father I see you when the eagle flies, Spirit's gonna take me (us) higher and higher! Mother I can feel you under my feet Mother I can hear your heart beat Father I can see you where the Eagle flies Spirit gonna take us higher and higher!

Circle Round The Fire – Chant

by Selena Fox We circle 'round the fire To raise a cone of power To bring what we desire So Mote It Be. We the magic by the moon light Dance the Circle all night long We the magic by the moon light Dance and sing the witches' song. Alternate Version We circle 'round the fire To raise a cone of power To bring what we desire So Mote It Be. Weave the magic by the moon light Weave the magic all night long Weave the magic by the moon light Dance and sing the witches' song.

Charge of the Goddess – Chant

Listen to the Words of the Great Mother, Who was of old called among men Artemis, Astarte, Diana, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride, and by many other Names. Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month and better it be when the moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place, and adore the spirit of me, who am Queen of all witches. There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets; to these will I...

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