Howl at the Moon: Celebrating the Magic of the Full Wolf Moon

The Full Wolf Moon is more than just a lunar phase—it's a portal to the wild, a time when the primal call of nature echoes in our souls. Under the brilliance of its light, we are reminded of our connection to the untamed earth and the instinctual threads that tie us to one another. Named for the haunting cries of wolves heard during the fierce chill of winter, this January moon embodies themes of survival, community, and resilience. It is...

Goddess Diana Empowerment Ritual

The Altar will be prepared and adorned to honor Goddess Diana

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Crone Hand Maiden Mother Summoner: East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?


bless and dedicate all with Goddess Diana's Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra

Sister to Sister we share this circle

all will cast circle

The High Priestess Speaks

Goddess Diana's Story

High Priestess

I AM called Diana, the Bright One and the Mother Flame. I...

Goddess Diana

Diana,  the Roman Goddess, was known by many names including Queen of Heaven, the Great Goddess; Lunar Virgin; Mother of Animals; Lady of Wild Creatures; and the Huntress. Diana, as the Roman Moon-Goddess, was originally worshipped on the mountain Tifata near Capua and in sacred forests. Later she was given a temple in the working-class area on the Aventine Hill, where she was mainly worshipped by the lower class (plebeians) and the slaves, of whom she was the patroness. She...

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