
Goddess Eos Ritual

This ritual honors the Goddess Eos. Maiden will place Construction Paper Crayons, Colored pencils, markers Glitter or other art supplies around altar.

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Crone Hand Maiden Mother Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower

Quarter Calls

East Hail to the watchtower of the East, essence of Air. Through the sunrise of the golden dawn, with clarifying smoke of newly lit sage, we ask that you join us in our rite as we seek a new beginning of...

Goddess Eos

I greet Thee, Eos Goddess of the Dawn, who brings the newborn day; the stars are gone, and fled before Thy face; both Sleep and Night are routed by Thy torch, and put to flight. The flowers are awakened by Thy dew, and turn toward the light, for You renew their life; so also may Thy dew revive my soul today with thanks to be alive. You care for all that's fresh and young, so care for me, to whom...

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