Goddess Freya’s Honor Ritual

The altar shall be adorned with amber and feather to honor Goddess Freya.

Coven Members needed for:

Cut the Circle Water and Earth Fire and Air Bless the Circle Invoke Goddess High Priestess Hand Maiden Mother Crone Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower Cake and Wine


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?

Coveners answer

bless and dedicate all with Goddess Freya's Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra Sister to Sister in perfect love...

Goddess Freya

She is called the Lady, the Great Goddess, famed for her great beauty, and indeed is often known as "The Fair One", but she is so much more. She is Freya, the Goddess of the Norse; enchantress, leader of the Valkyries, ruler over the dead in Valhalla and the Sage who inspires all women in their creative endeavors. She is a Goddess of love, fertility, prosperity, magick, destiny, shape-shifting, shamanism, childbirth, children, home, protection, weaving and when called upon -...

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