
What is Karma?

Although many people in the West are often heard to talk of ‘negative’ or ‘bad’ Karma, few people truly understand it.

Deeds and Intentions

Karma basically involves our own deeds and intent, and the condition of our Karma is a reflection of whether those deeds and intentions were either good or bad. It does, though, probably help to learn that the concept of Karma often concerns those who have beliefs that involve reincarnation. This is because we can have bad Karma, not...

How Love Spells Work

Love spells can work in many different ways and really require only one thing in respect of the person who has cast the spell or had it cast on their behalf: faith. Yet, as explained in previous articles, both faith and positive thinking cannot be genuinely manifested through thin air, they need to have an underpinning foundation. Wicca, unlike many other forms of worship, requires you to have faith in something that you can actually see and experience each and...

How To Enhance Your Spell Work

Whether you have cast a spell yourself or had one cast on your behalf there is at least one thing you must remember; the Wiccan faith requires that you follow basic principles and failing to uphold these principles means that, in reality, you have little or no faith in this particular form of worship.


Wicca though does not require that you have faith in a particular spiritual deity, although, if you already belong to a coven then you will have at...

The Importance of Spell Secrecy

No doubt that the complete world of magic and spell casting is often surrounded by secrecy and there are many and varied reasons for this being so. Historically, we know that witches were associated with evil and could be persecuted, so it would make sense to keep who they were, and what they did, secret.

The Secret Ingredients

We also know that there was, as there still is today, a great amount of secrecy surrounding the ingredients of any potions made which...

What to Do While You are Waiting for Results

Depending on what type of spell you have had cast on your behalf, there are several things you can do while waiting for the spell to manifest. However there are also things you can do which affect all spells in a positive manner.


Consider practicing meditation, particularly the form known as mindfulness, on a regular basis. This will not only reduce your anxiety about the spell, and possibly any other problems in your life, but it will also help to increase...

Visualizing Where Your Spell’s Energy Will Go

Although there is often much talk about remaining positive when it comes to either casting a spell yourself or having one cast on your behalf, thinking positive sometimes isn’t as easy as it sounds. Often a better course of action to take is not only to visualize where you want your spell’s energy to go but also to focus on the action you want it to perform and, in particular, the potential outcome.

Meditation and Science

To do this effectively meditation is...

Can You Tell if Someone Cast a Love Spell on You?

When we think about magic and casting spells often that is all we think about, the fact that we have the ability to cast a spell toward someone else. Clearly though, if someone is casting spells then there must also be a recipient and sometimes it could be you. Although people often want to know if any kind of spell has been cast toward them, one that they want to know about in particular is the Love Spell. So, can you...

The Benefits of Spiritual Cleansing

Throughout the Wiccan teachings what we come to learn is that positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. We are also taught that one of the major principles of Wicca is that we are responsible for our own behavior and, as a consequence, ultimately responsible for our own quality of life and destiny. These teachings are reiterated over and over again. They arise when we talk of Pagan worship. They appear again when we discuss the principle of Karma. Even the...

Reasons to use a Love Spell

When we think of love spells perhaps our minds tend to jump too easily to the conclusion that all love spells are about attracting new love, but this is certainly very far from the truth. There are many reasons for using a love spell and, as you will see, most of us have good cause for casting a spell involving love at some point in our lives.

New Love

If we are looking for new love, whether we are young or...

Do Love Spells Backfire?

When it comes to spells ‘backfiring’ the interpretation can be used to describe many different things and Love Spells backfiring are no more susceptible to this problem than any other spell which you might have cast on your behalf.

The Right Practitioner

As another article discusses there is much focus on secrecy when it comes to casting Wiccan spells and one reason for this is because spells, in the hands of the novice, can be miscast. In some situations this simply...

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