Howl at the Moon: Celebrating the Magic of the Full Wolf Moon

The Full Wolf Moon is more than just a lunar phase—it's a portal to the wild, a time when the primal call of nature echoes in our souls. Under the brilliance of its light, we are reminded of our connection to the untamed earth and the instinctual threads that tie us to one another. Named for the haunting cries of wolves heard during the fierce chill of winter, this January moon embodies themes of survival, community, and resilience. It is...

Goddess Eos Ritual

This ritual honors the Goddess Eos. Maiden will place Construction Paper Crayons, Colored pencils, markers Glitter or other art supplies around altar.

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Crone Hand Maiden Mother Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower

Quarter Calls

East Hail to the watchtower of the East, essence of Air. Through the sunrise of the golden dawn, with clarifying smoke of newly lit sage, we ask that you join us in our rite as we seek a new beginning of...

Mother Mary Blue Moon Ritual

The Altar shall be prepared in honor of Mother Mary, also known as Mari of Basque.

Coven Members needed for:

Cut the Circle Water and Earth Fire and Air Bless the Circle Invoke Goddess High Priestess Hand Maiden Mother Crone Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower Cake and Wine


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?

Coven answers

bless and dedicate all with Goddess Mari's Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra Sister to Sister...

Goddess Erzulie Ritual – Embracing Our Passions

This Ritual honors the Goddess Erzulie and is performed to embrace our passions. Please decorate your altar in honor of Erzulie.

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Hand Maiden Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?


bless and dedicate all with Goddess Erzulie's Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra Sister to Sister we share this circle   all will cast circle (How to cast the circle)

High Priestess

Tonight we will...

Samhain Ritual – Honoring our Sisters of the Burning Times

We gather again in celebration of Samhain and embrace it as a Sabbat of survival. One more year we have faced our trials and are still standing in Sacred Space. We remember our dead; our loved ones gone to the Summerlands before us We honor our sisters of the Burning Times, may we celebrate their courage as we remain mindful that even today we suffer persecution for our beliefs. As daughters of Goddess let us celebrate our blessings and welcome...

Goddess Circe Ritual of Self

Articles of all shall be placed upon altar to receive blessings.

Coven Members needed for:

Cut the Circle Water and Earth Fire and Air Bless the Circle Invoke Goddess High Priestess Hand Maiden Mother Crone Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower Cake and Wine


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?

Coveners answer

bless and dedicate all with Goddess Circe's Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra Sister to Sister in perfect love and perfect trust...

Hecate Samhain Ritual

We remember our dead; our loved ones gone to the Summerlands before us We honor our sisters of the Burning Times, may we celebrate their courage as we remain mindful that even today we suffer persecution for our beliefs.

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Crone Handmaiden Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower Summoner leads coveners around circle 3 times ringing bell


Come we forth to mark the turning of the year. Our Goddess of death and rebirth lifts the veil...

Imbolc Ritual – The Woam Who Fell from the Sky

Altar will be prepared to represent Imbolc

Coven Members needed for:

Greeters Cut the Circle Water and Earth Fire and Air Expand the Circle Bless the Circle Invoke Goddess High Priestess Hand Maiden Mother Crone Summoner East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower Cake and Wine

High Priestess

Tonight we gather together and celebrate Imbolc. And we of Coven of the Goddess welcome you and are happy you have joined us. For those of you who do not know what Imbolc...

Three Sisters Mabon Ritual

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Crone Hand Maiden Mother Summoner: East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?


bless and dedicate all with Three Sister's Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra Sister to Sister we share this circle All will cast circle

High Priestess

Tonight sisters we meet to celebrate the Fall Equinox, the second moment of the year when the sun passes the equator and the night and day is equal....

Lammas – Goddess Demeter Harvest Ritual

Hand Maiden will outline the perimeter of Circle with corn and seed. Place gold cloth on the altar and garnish with harvest vegetables and fruits. Place Demeter Oil, seeds and one muslin pouch on altar for every sister in circle.

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Crone Handmaiden Summoner: East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower All will cast circle

High Priestess

Story of Demeter

High Priestess

Time moves forever forward and again the wheel has turned bringing us First Harvest. A time when we think...

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