Goddess Tyche Ritual for Samhain

Hand Maiden will adorn the altar in celebration of the season.

Coven Members needed:

High Priestess Crone Hand Maiden Mother Summoner: East Watchtower South Watchtower West Watchtower North Watchtower


sage all that enter Circle Do you come in perfect love and perfect trust?


bless and dedicate all with Goddess Tyche's Oil and pentacle over third eye chakra Sister to Sister we share this circle All will cast circle

Hight Priestess

Story of Goddess Tyche

Hight Priestess

As Tyche told her story it is interesting to see that a concept...

Goddess Tyche

I am the Goddess of Fortune and Fate. I am Tyche of the Greeks and Fortuna of the Romans. My name Tyche comes from the word tynchano which means made to happen. I am from the time of the Titans who ruled long before the mythos of the Olympians came to be popular. My parents Tethys and Okeanos, I am an Oceanid and I draw upon the wisdom of the waters. Some say I am the eldest sister of the...

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