The Elements of Magic and the Watchtowers
Last Updated on June 30, 2022 by Abigail Adams
The Element Earth
Earth is the element of form, binding, and manifestation. From an occult perspective, the element of Earth is the lowest in vibratory rate of the four elements.
Creatures known as Gnomes, a dwarf-like race, live within the elemental realm of Earth. In a metaphysical sense, Earth is associated with the Northern quarter, and the color green – symbolizing its vitality and life. The pentacle is our magickal tool that represents Earth, our spirituality and connection with Goddess/life. In astrology the zodiac signs Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus are associated with the element of Earth.
The Element Air
Air is the element of mental thought, inspiration, intuition and creativity. From an occult perspective the element of Earth is the second highest in vibratory rate of the four elements.
Creatures known as Sylphs, live within the elemental realm of Air. In a metaphysical sense, Air is associated with the Eastern quarter, and the color yellow – symbolizing its awakening of “sun of self”. The wand is our magickal tool that represents Air and seeking knowledge. The winds blow the seeds of creativity that grow the tree then blow through the branches once again spreading the seeds. In astrology, the zodiac signs Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini are associated with the element of Air.
The Element Fire
Fire is the element of courage, strength, passion and endurance. From an occult perspective the element of Fire is the highest in vibratory rate of the four elements.
Creatures known as Salamanders, live within the elemental realm of Fire. In a metaphysical sense, Fire is associated with the Southern quarter, and the color red – symbolizing the blood of the Goddess that ignites our desires. The athame is our magickal tool that represents Fire and our ability to forge manifestation out of our desires. In astrology the zodiac sign Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are associated with Fire.
The Element Water
Water is the element of wisdom, love, and regeneration. From an occult perspective the element of Water is the second lowest in vibratory rate of the four elements.
Creatures known as Undines, live within the elemental realm of Water. In a metaphysical sense, Water is associated with the Western quarter, and the color blue – symbolizing the sanctuary of the flowing waters of life. The chalice is our magickal tool that represents water, the Holy Grail that holds the wisdom of the Goddess, Ours when we drink of Her. In astrology the zodiac signs Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio are associated with the element of Water.
Know Your Elements
Spend time getting to know the Elements, they are an essential part of all Magickal Craft workings. When you become one with the elements the boundaries of mortals are nonexistence, the elements are you and you are they. Your organic body that houses your soul is Earth, your breath is the air that carries oxygen to every cell in your body, your blood is the fiery heat that gives strength to your body and the water regenerates your body. When you become one with the elements in your crafting the boundaries of mortals are nonexistence.
Spend time creating totems. One for every element, representing what they are to you. Meditate on each one before beginning the next. When you are done, put them in corresponding directions in an area you spend time in. As you travel on your path and your wisdom grows, add to your totems. Let them become a story of your life’s association with the elements.
Call Forth the Quarters 1
Watchers of the eastern gate, window of the morning sun pierce my mind with light created in the brilliance of dawn spirits of the eastern skies, bring forth the wisdom of the wise guardians of the airy height, I bid you join us in our rite.
Watchers of the eastern gate, window of the morning sun pierce my mind with light created in the brilliance of dawn spirits of the eastern skies, bring forth the wisdom of the wise guardians of the airy height, I bid you join us in our rite
Watchers of the western gate, window where the sun departs quench me in your rains, create in me the power to know my heart spirits of the western skies, bring forth the freedom of the wise guardians of the sea and twilight , I bid you join us in our rite
Watchers of the northern gate, window of the darkened sun stay my lips and tongue, create in me the tacit way of rune spirits of the northern skies, bring forth the mysteries of the wise guardians of Earth’s delights, I bid you join us in our rite
Call Forth the Quarters 2
O Ancient one of the East, window o of the rising sun. I call upon your breath of creation, bind in perfect trust the magick we create tonight. O Watch Tower of the East I ____ stir, summon and call you up, guard our circle and witness our Rite.
O Ancient one of the East, as you return to your airy throne your magick stays with us in the sounds of the bells and the wings of the birds. (PERSONAL WORDS) I, ____ give thanks and bid thee hail and farewell.
O Ancient one of the South, window of the mid-day sun. I call upon your endless flames, give life to our pleasures and magick to our desires. O Watch Tower of the South I ____ stir, summon and call you up, guard our circle and witness our Rite.
O Ancient one of the South, as you return to your fiery throne your magick stays with us in the warmth of the day and the flames of all fires. (PERSONAL WORDS) I _____ give thanks and bid thee hail and farewell.
O Ancient one of the West, window of the setting sun. I call to your waters of life, give wisdom to our magick and serenity to our path. O Watch Tower of the West I _____ stir, summon and call you up, guard our circle and witness our Rite.
O Ancient one of the West, as you return to your watery throne your magick stays with us in the waves of the ocean and the pleasures of the rains. (PERSoNAL WoRDS) I, _____ give thanks and bid thee hail and farewell.
O Ancient one of the North, window of the darken sun. I call to you my mother earth, in tune our magic with nature and set our spirits free. O Watch Tower of the North I _____ stir, summon and call you up, guard our circle and witness our Rite.
O Ancient one of the North, as you return to your earthly throne your magick stays with us in the growth of the forest and the breath of the beast. (PERSONAL WORDS) I_____ give thanks and bid thee hail and farewell.
Call Forth the Quarters 3
All hail the guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, Keepers of Air. I call upon you, and bid you enter my sacred space. I call upon your winds of time to add knowledge to my ritual and to guard this circle. Join me now and aid me in my rite. For the good of all, and the harm of none, So Mote it Be!
All hail the guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, Keepers of Fire. I call upon you, and bid you enter my sacred space. I call upon your endless flames to add passion to my ritual, and to guard this circle. Join me now, and aid me in my rite. For the good of all, and the harm of none, So Mote it Be!
All hail the guardians of the Watchtowers of the West, Keepers of Water. I call upon you, and bid you enter my sacred space. I call upon your rivers and oceans to add wisdom to my ritual and guard this circle. Join me now, and aid me in my rite. For the good of all, and the harm of none, So Mote it Be!
All hail the guardians of the Watchtowers of the North, Keepers of land. I call upon you, and bid you enter my sacred space. I call upon your mountains and forest to add grounding to my ritual and guard this circle. Join me now, and aid me in my rite. For the good of all, and the harm of none, So Mote it Be!
What the Elements of Magic and Hidden Knowledge
There are a number of elements of magick. Some discredit magick: artifice, illusion, trickery, and the creation of ideas and situations that are not as they appear in order to influence the mind. There are also: truth and the search for it and the power that it wields. The power of truth is something that reaches far beyond the individual or even society. The truth is more in operation in real magick than an illusion. In magick, there is the recognition that both the truth and illusion operate together. Hidden knowledge is something upon which people rely in their day-to-day dealings with others and with life. This is caused as much by the limitations of being an individual as anything else. Whoever is in those positions has real knowledge and is also ‘missing out’ on other information by virtue of the very things which yield information. Witches, practitioners, and spell casters work with this reality with a certain amount of self-awareness.
The Magical Will and The Elements
Spell casters use “their magical wills” when casting spells. This is an abstract principle, but one easily observed by secondary effects and by events in life. Whenever anyone is absolutely clear about what they need and want in life – that is the person’s will. Most of the time, personal will is healthy and helps people to get what they need and to express their individuality in life.
There are standard tools that a practitioner or witch uses; they also symbolize the ‘5 elements’, which everyone can directly experience for themselves.
These are the wand – for fire which itself symbolizes action, the pentacle – which is the Earth, food, the natural world, and also social structures, the knife/athame/dagger – which symbolizes the Air, which we breath and which also is thought and ideas both true and fictional/imaginary, and the chalice – symbol of the water, and also of love.
These are also attributed to masculinity and femininity, but of course, they are involved with both. The wand and the athame are exceptionally masculine, whereas the chalice and pentacle are symbolically feminine in their natures.
The magick circle is the other main element that is used in spell casting. This is ‘sacred space’. In some cases there will be rooms, sanctuaries, or entire buildings or natural groves with clearings that serve this purpose.
All of these things together, with the practitioners or witches, own will and desires for life, and any love and devotion to a deity work together to create what magick the person will do and how it is carried out.
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