The Pentagram


The Pentagram

Last Updated on December 18, 2017 by Abigail Adams

Through the ages, the symbol of the pentagram, or pentacle has been viewed with great suspicion. It has been seen as a symbol of evil and as a trademark of the Christian Devil and Devil worship. As any Pagan can tell you, we do not believe in a “Devil” of any form, let alone use a symbol that is supposed to be its “trade mark.”

On the pentacle, our sacred symbol, each point of the star represents one element, being Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.

The Spirit

The top point of the star stands for the fifth element, that of the Spirit. It means centering, transformation, and that its limits are beyond time and space as we understand them. This element is often called “Akasha” or “Ether”. The circle around the star represents the endless circle of life we know as Birth, Growth, Death, and Re-birth.

Air-Compass point

Represents intellect, communication, knowledge, concentration; the ability to “know” and to understand; to unlock secrets of the dead; to contact the angels; telepathy, memory and wisdom; the hawk, the raven and eagle; prophecy; movement, Karma and speed.

Fire-Compass point

Stands for energy, purification, courage, the will to dare, creativity; higher self; success and refinement; the arts and transformation; the lion, the phoenix and the dragon; loyalty and force.

Water Compass point

Associated with intuition, emotions, the inner self, flowing movement, the power to dare and cleanse all things; sympathy and love; reflection; currents and tides of life; the dolphin, the swan and the crab; dreams and dreamtime.

Earth- Compass point

Mystery and growth, fertility, material abundance, the combined forces of nature and its bounty; birth and healing; business, industry and possessions; the bear, the stag and the wolf; conservation and nature.

The pentagram is often seen as a symbol of Wicca,

Wiccans use it not only for protecting themselves, but also for representing their beliefs. For a Pagan, there is no symbol more powerful or meaningful than this.

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