Trinity of the Priestess – Colorado Dragonfest 2007
Last Updated on December 24, 2017 by Abigail Adams
Coven Members:
- North
- East
- South
- West
- Sister to Cut Circle
- Trinity Story
- Maiden
- Mother
- Crone
- Sister
- Sister
- Sister
Prepare Sacred Space
All will help
Prepare the Altar
All will help
Chanting going on as participants enter circle.
The Sisters will assist at the gate to direct participants inside, smudging and anointing as they enter.
South directs circle to gather in/adjust. When ready Circle is ready South will step into center of circle waiting for chant to end. When ready will call out to everyone to stand up.
South please stand while we create Sacred Space
East, South, West, North
will begin to walk deosil one complete round back to positions. Casting elements out in creation of Sacred Space.
ALL will chant Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath, and fire my spirit, etc.etc till the last element has returned to their quarters.
Calling in the Directions and Elements
Each sister will walk, when it is her turn, from her direction into the center of the circle, turn, face her direction and invoke Her assigned Element.
As we stand here in the east, feel the velvety touch of the butterflies’ wings. The air is pushed as the fairies play. The winds of communication are stirred as the eagle soars above. This is the place of new beginnings, where the sun rises to create the dawn and clarity can be seen. As the maiden, we feel the joy of fresh starts, when the day before has been left behind and a new day dawns with possibilities. As the mother, we feel the peace that comes from knowing that the channels of communication are open and flowing freely. As the crone, we feel the strength that clarity of purpose brings.
As we stand here in the south, feel the heat of passion, desire and will inflame us. The lioness is here in protection of her pride. In this place, the fires burn that call us to act and move and make magick happen! As the maiden, we feel the heat of the sunburn upon our face. As the Mother, we feel desire as it gives rise to action! As the Crone, we feel the warmth of the fires as they continue to burn and move us along the path.
As we stand here in the west, watery realm of dolphins, mermaids and fish, land of emotions and the setting sun, listen to the roll and crash of the waves as they break against the shore Feel your toes sink into warm soft sand as you gaze at the glorious rays of the sun as she stirs over the ocean. Taste the tangy salt air that caresses your cheek. As the maiden, we feel the new promise of a dew kissed garden. As the Mother, we feel the powerful creativity the watery womb. As the Crone, we bask in the knowledge that with even the hardest rain comes new growth and rainbows.
As we stand here in the north, we are filled with spirit of tree and stone. We hear the woods-nymph laughter as she dances in the moonlight on the forest floor. We ravish the ripened apple of time eternal and mysteries of magick. As the maiden we feel the excitement of your harvest adding color and texture to our path. As the mother we feel secure in the sanctuary and blessings of your spiral. As the Crone, we feel the ancestors stirring in our memories and wisdom.
East, South, West and North
Elements of the East, South, West & North, we as the Maiden, Mother and Crone invoke your presence in our sacred circle. Protect all our sisters in circle and those who cannot be with us this day. Heal our wounds that hold us back from our potential. Support us with your loving guidance and aid us this day in working our magickal rites.
The elements of the Four Directions are present and in aid to us all! So Mote it be.
Bless The Circle
O Sacred Circle let thou be a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield against all evil and wickedness; a rampart of protection that shall preserve and contain the power that we shall raise within thee. O Sacred Circle I do bless thee and consecrate thee in the name of our Beloved Goddess. So mote it be.
Invoke The Goddess
Gracious Maiden of lore and self, we invoke and claim the essences of your lessons. Aphrodite, Persephone, Kore, Artemis, Dahut, Lakshmi and Maidens un-named, we embrace you. Descend we pray and guide our Sacred Circle.
Gracious Mother of lore and self we invoke and claim the essences of your teachings. Isis, Demeter, Cerridwyn, Parvati, Gaia, Yemaya, Kuan-Yin and Mothers un-named, we embrace you. Descend we pray and guide our Sacred Circle.
Gracious Crone of lore and self we invoke and claim the essences of your teachings. Hecate, Kali, Baba Yega, Grandmother Spider, Hel and Crones un-named, we embrace you. Descend we pray and guide our Sacred Circle.
Maiden, Mother and Crone
Gracious Goddess of a thousand names we stand in reflection of your Trinity. Thou who are the blood of all women and they of thee, sharpen and cleanse our arrow of desire. Make we the shuttle and the mysteries the loom as the wore and weave of our magick awakens the Trinity of the Priestess within us all. In your Divine Guidance this Circle is Cast. Blessed Be.
Share welcome
I am the Maiden of the Coven of the Goddess, I am the awakening of our journey tonight and I welcome you to the circle.
I am the Mother of the Coven of the Goddess. I am the transition of our journey tonight and I welcome you to the circle.
I am the Crone of the Coven of the Goddess. I am the acknowledgment of our journey tonight and I welcome you to the Circle.
Maiden, Mother and Crone
We are the Trinity of the Priestess. We are the union of all aspects of Goddess gathered here tonight and we welcome you to the circle…
Trinity of the Priestess
In a realm beyond all understanding, in a time that was not a time, in a place that was not a place, there was Goddess. From the ceaseless void that one can only imagine to the heartbeat that was primal source, Goddess existed a Trinity of herself. In a continuous dance of ecstasy Maiden Energy spiraled out and back again to nurturing Mother Source, Crone Darkness storing the imprints over and over of the dance of ever-expanding Goddess.
For infinite measure She danced of herself, spiraling in and out, expanding and growing as cosmic source and light burst forth as Suns, Moons and Planets. Universe after universe expanded out as Maiden Energy only to return to Mother Source, swirling around Her and adding to the wisdom of existence of Crone Darkness.
On and on the dance continued as the Trinity created and recreated. The sun, moon and stars gave warmth, land and sea divided and air wrap around in atmosphere, all in reflection of Goddess and what would become Her life-sustaining Elements.
Life as we know it was in its earliest creation. As above, so below – as within, so without, daughter cells birth daughter cells and life was mirrored in reflection of Goddess. Mother Source expanded and diverse vegetation grew to nurture and aid Maiden Energy’s unstoppable growth. Crone Darkness manifested rhythm and seasons of birth, death and renewal that held strong the Trinity of the Goddess and its Spiral of eternal existence.
Abundant, free and ever changing, Maiden Energy gave birth to consorts. Where there was once only reflection of the Trinity, now was a mirrored double that held the seeds of life but not the life bearing womb of Mother source. Farther and farther Maiden Energy stretched and intent and awareness came to be.
With Her consort, Maiden Energy gave birth to Nature as feathers, furs and skins of the many colors reflected in Her Energy. Woman and man emerged with knowledge and language and the dance would be forever changed. The threads of Mother Source ever nurturing became shadows and the wisdom of Crone Darkness receded into the helix and DNA as creation began to dance in its own self awareness.
For many Goddess stayed alive in their worship and they embraced the teachings of the Trinity. They lived and loved filled with Maiden Energy and celebrated in Mother Source of abundance. In times of great strife they sought sanctuary in Crone Darkness, relinquishing their loved ones and loss to Her mysteries. Through their faith they endured immeasurable times of suppression at the hands of change that sought to rid the Earth of Goddess. Maiden Energy, Mother Source and Crone Darkness were the saving grace to those who would hold tight to the teachings.
For others pain and sorrow were born as the light of others replaced the light of their Trinity. The blessed life of the daughters would endure immeasurable times of suppression at the hands of change that sought to rid the Earth of Goddess. They begin to believe the Trinity did not exist within our without. Self-doubt and self worth replace the empowerment of the Trinity of Self as the teachings were silenced.
Now here we are in a time that is measured in age of self, in a place that is our awareness and in a realm that is our lifetime. Here at Dragonfest my sisters, the history of Goddess is deeply marked upon our memories, our actions and our reactions. Joy in Goddess we share as well as the toll of the ages of those past and those present who are still suppressed or lost. As women we all face the same challenges to walk true in our path and as women we gather for strength, answers and renewal of faith.
It is not luck or coincidence we are here in a circle of diverse women, we are here tonight to remember the Trinity of the Goddess and the Trinity of Self. It is our birthright, it is our truth and it is our responsibility. As women and sisters let us once again call forth the Old Ways, let us remember the mysteries and myths of Goddess and call forth the teachings of the Trinity.
Maiden Energy is not only our empowerment to choose our own destiny; it is the future of Maidens who follow our footsteps. It is we who set in motion change that empowers them.
Mother Source nurtures us and we must nurture ourselves that Goddess may live through us. It is we who set in motion change that allow all women to give importance to selves and the women who will follow in our footsteps.
Crone Darkness is our blood rite and knowledge we are the true reflection of the Trinity of the Goddess. To bleed the blood of creation or to hold the blood within, it is we who set in motion the Spiral of the Trinity over and over again for the daughters who will follow in our footsteps.
We are Maidens, Mothers and Crones divided by age united in Trinity. Let us celebrate the Spirit of Women Past, Present and Future. Let us shine our light for all the women not given this choice.
Seeking; All will popcorn verses of what we seek – Maiden, Mother and Crone order will be mixed
As the Maiden I long to rejoice in the power of being female.
As the Mother I wish to open myself to life.
As the Crone I seek a life that supports me.
Trinity Story
As the Maiden I seek to love and accept myself where I am right now.
AS the Crone I need to speak up for myself freely.
As the Mother I seek to know my own beauty and magnificence.
As the Mother I hope for nourishment in perfect balance.
As the Maiden I desire all the pleasure life has to offer.
As the Crone I seek to be one with all life.
I am the Maiden, who bleeds the blood of innocence. I am the fearless in my beliefs for I know all before me is possible. For in my ecstatic dancing magic unfolds and fantasy is reality and none can tell Me other wise.
I am the first step on the path of life’s adventure and I will never cease to be. Call forth the power of the Maiden within, be you Maiden, Mother or Crone.Call forth the beginning of the trinity Maiden, Mother or Crone DO NOT DENY ME
Repeat after me:
I am the Maiden, I am the blood of innocence
I am the Maiden, I am fearless in my beliefs
I am the Maiden, I am the muse of my own magic
I am the Maiden,I am the adventurer of my own story
Maiden will call the Elements forward to be marked.
I am the Maiden, the Beginning of the Trinity, and I summon the Elements to Me
She then marks the elements
I mark you with the sign of the Maiden, remember the fearless beliefs that lies with in. Now go forth and mark my sisters!
Each Quarter will return to their place and mark the woman to her left and leave her the marker to mark the woman to her left
**** If there are two Circles they will start the inner Circle the the outer Circle.
ALL will chant till markers return to each quarter and all quarters raise their arms.
When you look in the Maiden’s eyes
Praise Her Praise Her
For she’s been laid down for centuries
When you look in e the Maiden’s eyes
Praise Her Praise Her
For she’s been laid down for centuries
Sing Halaluja Sing Halaluja
Sing Halaluja Sing Halaluja
I am the Mother, I bleed the blood of life and bring for the offspring of creation. I am the awakening that brings forth the desire of love, family, creativity and strength. For with one hand I gently caress a baby’s cheek and with the other take up sword to smite all that would harm or offend myself or all I call my own.
I am the passionate balance between love and vengeance, desires and fears, and I will never cease to be.
Call forth the power of the Mother within, be you Maiden, Mother or Crone,
Call forth the Bridge of the Trinity. Maiden, Mother and Crone, Do Not Deny Me.
Repeat after Me:
I am the Mother, I am the blood of creation.
I am the Mother, I am the awakening of desire.
I am the Mother, I am the nurturer and protector of my tribe.
I am the Mother, I am the balance that dwells within.
Mother will call the Elements forward to be marked.
I am the Mother, the Bridge of the Trinity, and I summon the Elements to Me
She then marks the elements
I mark you with the sign of the Mother, remember the passionate strength that lies within. Now go forth and mark my daughters!
Each Quarter will return to their place and mark the woman to her left and leave her the marker to mark the woman to her left
**** If there are two Circles they will start the inner Circle the outer Circle.
ALL will chant till markers return to each quarter and all quarters raise their arms.
When you look in the Mother’s eyes
Praise Her Praise Her
For she’s been laid down for centuries
When you look in e the Mother’s eyes
Praise Her Praise Her
For she’s been laid down for centuries
Sing Halaluja Sing Halaluja
Sing Halaluja Sing Halaluja
I am the Crone and I bleed the blood of life within.
I have lived life in all its joys and all its sorrows.
For I am the keeper of life’s lessons be they in light or in shadow.
I am the mirror of death that reflects life’s abundant blessings.
Call forth the power of the Crone within, be you Maiden Mother or Crone
Call forth the end of the trinity Maiden Mother or Crone DO NOT DENY ME
Repeat after me:
I am the Crone, I am the blood of wisdom.
I am the Crone, I know joy and sorrow.
I am the Crone, I embrace the light and the shadow.
I am the Crone, I am awakened to life’s blessings.
Crone will call the Elements forward to be marked.
I am the Crone, the Ending of the Trinity, and I summon the Elements to Me
She then marks the elements
I mark you with the sign of the Crone , remember the abundant blessings that lies within. now go forth and mark my Priestesses!
Each Quarter will return to their place and mark the woman to her left and leave her the marker to mark the woman to her left
**** If there are two Circles they will start the inner Circle then the outer Circle.
ALL will chant till markers return to each quarter and all quarters raise their arms.
When you look in the Crone’s eyes
Praise Her Praise Her
For she’s been laid down for centuries
When you look in the Crone’s eyes
Praise Her Praise Her
For she’s been laid down for centuries
Sing Halaluja Sing Halaluja
Sing Halaluja Sing Halaluja
Quarters, beginning with East will walk to the altar, face the Trinity and speak. After speaking they will leave their elemental vessel around the Altar in its corresponding spot.
Maiden, Mother and Crone, I come to you as an emissary of the elements of the East.
I am the inspiration of the dawning sun
I bring the winds of communication so your words are not lost
I give the gift of clarity for your world that comes in on a breeze
Maiden rejoice
Mother love again
Crone spread your treasures before you.
I honor the wisdom and strength that allows the growth of the Trinity in balance.
Maiden, Mother and Crone, I come to you as an emissary of the elements of the South
I am the fire red sky of the South
I bring the passion that burns deeply in the longing of your soul.
I give desire to your dreams creating growth and change on your path.
Maiden rejoice
Mother love again
Crone spread your treasures before you.
I honor the wisdom and strength that allows the growth of the Trinity in balance.
Maiden, Mother and Crone, I come to you as an emissary of the elements of the West.
I am the ruby-tinged sunset of the West
I Bring rivers of transformation which flow into the ocean of compassion
I Give the cleansing water which washes clean grief and pain
Maiden rejoice
Mother love again
Crone spread your treasures before you.
I honor the wisdom and strength that allows the growth of the Trinity in balance.
Maiden, Mother and Crone, I come to you as an emissary of the elements of the North.
I am the inky blackness of the midnight sky.
I bring the wisdom of the ancestors to guide your path.
I give sanctuary to all in need of peace and renewal at the end of their journey.
Maiden rejoice
Mother love again and
Crone spread your treasures before you
I honor the wisdom and strength that allows the growth of the Trinity in balance.
The Trinity is our birth right as daughters of Goddess. It has been this way from the beginning of time and it will be this way till the end of the Spiral. From our 1st blood as Maiden, our fertility as Mother and our wisdom as Crone we are living testimony of Goddess in all Her abundance. Sisters let us tend our harvest, let us call forth the Trinity of the Priestess, let us be empowered in our life and our endeavors. In this Sacred Circle of women let us claim the Trinity of the Priestess.
Hold your arms open to the universe and repeat after the TRINITY.
Ever more shall the Mysteries be open to me. I shall seek them as the Maiden seeks the Spring in wonder.
Ever more shall compassion fill me. I shall love as the Mother filled with humility.
Ever more shall wisdom consume me. I shall embrace it as the Crone and live true to my path.
Maiden, Mother and Crone
It is I that gives life to the Trinity of the Priestess.
It is I that lives true to the Goddess of my path.
Maiden Mother & Crone will hold cauldron filled with tokens to the heavens and lead spell work
A gift from the Goddess and Her sacred tree
To carry forth the blessings of the Trinity.
Trinity will throw out tokens
Take with you a sacred token
Filled with the words we have spoken
Pause for all to gather tokens
all will hold tokens towards the heavens in their hands
In the magick we weave tonight
Charge your token with all your might”
Pause to charge
By all the empowerment of the Trinity
We seal this spell, SO MOTE IT BE
All chant:
Smiling Virgin, shining crescent
Waxing fullness, luminescent
Sickle of silver, reaper of bone
Maiden, Mother and Crone
Maiden, Mother and Crone
Ancient Goddess, daughter of moonlight
Ancient Goddess, mother of stone
Ancient Goddess, keeper of midnight
Maiden, Mother and Crone
Maiden, Mother and Crone
All will popcorn verses of intent leading the Circle to repeat the verses; Maiden Mother and Crone all mixed in
Please repeat the verses as they are shared.
As the Mother I love and approve of myself.
As the Crone I cherish peace and harmony within me and around me.
As the Maiden I joyfully move on to new levels of experience.
As the Mother I am the creative power in my world.
As the Maiden I love and accept myself where I am right now.
As the Crone I bring joy back to the center of my heart.
As the Mother I am safe to care for myself.
As the Crone I trust my inner voice. I am strong, wise, and powerful.
As the Maiden I am a Divine expression of life.
Blessed Be
Maiden Mother & Crone will walk to the Altar and stand in silence till all in Coven has join at the altar.
Bless this bread
Bless this wine
the body and blood of the Goddess
Maiden, Mother & Crone
May we never hunger May we never thirst. Blessed Be
We shall let this Circle fade into the night as we celebrate our magick and each other. Thou art Goddess and I tell you this is true. Blessed Be.
Break the bread and pass the wine.
Praise the Goddess and each of my Blessed Sisters of Coven who find honor in presenting this Ritual and the magick of sharing it at Dragonfest.
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